
 2024-01-29 02:01


摘 要



关 键 词:品牌,营销,世邦房产,价值体系,推广策略

Abstract: In recent years, with the development of real estate industry development, the integration of resources, national policies and regulations promulgated, the real estate industry competition is becoming increasingly fierce, industry market from a seller"s market to a buyer"s market. The developers in marketing also pay more attention to set up the project brand and brand of developers, project competition into the brand appeal of the contest, make the project to avoid the simple price competition. Because in a buyer"s market, people have a choice to buy a house, buy the perceptual analysis in the process of increase, promotion of good, high awareness of the brand can shorten the cycle of consumers buy, maximize the marketing interests. Based on the analysis of brand promotion scheme based on the Dijinghaoting formulated in the development status of Huaian City real estate. Scheme refines the structure system of value from the project characteristics, on the basis of the project to give accurate brand positioning, and the phased introduction of a series of brand advertising and promotion activities, improve the public awareness of the project, to maximize sales promotion. And find out the deficiency in the process of popularization and improvement measures. From the side reflects the brand promotion in the real estate sales in the process of the importance and necessity.

This article is from the design topic, topic introduction, the value of design basis and design of several aspects of the graduation design Dijinghaoting brand extension in Huaian city were added.

Keywords: brand, marketing, global property, value system, promotion strategy

目 录

1 设计选题说明 4

1.1 选题原因说明 4

1.2 项目概况 4

1.3 设计目的和要求 4

1.4 数据资料选取 4

1.5 设计重点难度 5

1.6 设计实现的可能性 5

2 设计依据 5

2.1 理论与方法 5

2.2 参考文献的作用 6

3 设计的技术路线 6

4 设计成果分析 7

4.1 设计结论分析 7

4.2 设计可行性分析 7

5 设计的价值 7

5.1 对专业学习的作用 7

5.2 对社会工作的作用 8

结 论 9

参 考 文 献 10

致 谢 11

1 设计选题说明

1.1 选题原因说明


1.2 项目概况

世邦•帝景豪庭是一所集商业住宅于一体的高档住宅社区项目,坐落于淮安市淮阴区北京东路与承德路交叉路口。项目占地总面积为35100平方米,总建筑面积为147783平方米,容积率3.69,建筑密度 31.97,绿化率31.2。由淮安市世邦房地产开发有限公司在淮安开发的首个综合性项目,开发周期是4年。本项目由3幢高层以及11幢多层组成。其中一幢高层顶层设有旋转餐厅,是淮安市首个也是唯一一个旋转餐厅,现已投入使用;项目西部、北部为高层住宅区,东南部为多层住宅区,商业及其他用房设在南、西、北三面沿街部位。世邦•帝景豪庭项目的建成,凭借其过硬的建筑质量,优美的园林景观,周到的物业服务,必将成为淮阴乃至淮安城市的代表性建筑,能最大提高淮安的城市美好形象和居民的高档生活水准。

1.3 设计目的和要求


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