
 2022-02-10 06:02


摘 要






The changes of people’s leisure-time activities are actually influenced by national economy, spirits, policies and other aspects. In this thesis, the author researches on the phenomenon that how individual’s leisure-time activities are affected by national power and individuals on the basis of spare-time lives, which is also the purpose and the significance of the research.

Thanks to the urbanization, Guomiao village, situated in a rural part of northern part of Jiangsu Province, is undergoing a pack of changes including going to town to work, buying houses and settling in town, like many people in other villages in China do nowadays. Thus, from the perspective of historical developing course, Guomiao village has a certain degree of representativeness because it has weathered a series of events since the foundation of New China.

In this paper, three kinds of leisure-time activities, which are in three historical periods in Guomiao village after New China, are carried out. First is the collectivization of people’s leisure-time activities in the period between the foundation of New China and the implement of opening and reform policy. Second is the gradual shrinkage of people’s leisure-time activities from the time of implement of opening and reform to the early stage of 1990s. And the last one is the rising of individualization of leisure-time activities after 1990s. From the aforementioned information, we can conclude that national power plays an important role in progressing the changing of people’s leisure-time activities. And in the time of marketization, people’s leisure-time activities are becoming more closely bounded with each other with their own characteristics due to the shrinkage of national power.

Keywords: Leisure life, The state power, The changes, The Individual

目 录



1 导言

1.1 问题的提出................................................................................... (1)

1.2 研究目的和意义

1.2.1研究目的............................................................................. (1)

1.2.2研究意义............................................................................. (1)

1.3 研究思路

1.3.1 闲暇生活现状及变迁描述分析.......................................... (2)

1.3.2 变迁原因探析....................................................................... (2)

1.4 研究方法....................................................................................... (2)

1.5 郭庙村状况................................................................................... (3)

2 文献综述

2.1 国外闲暇问题的研究综述........................................................... (4)

2.2 国内闲暇问题的文献综述........................................................... (5)

2.3 文献综述小结............................................................................... (6)

3 建国后到改革开放前闲暇生活状态

3.1 土地改革:大集体的雏形........................................................... (7)

3.2 土改后期到大跃进:大集体时代 ............................................. (8)

3.3 文化大革命:国家权力空前强化............................................. (10)

4 改革开放到九十年代初:闲暇生活逐渐萎缩............................ (14)

5 90年代以后:个体闲暇兴起..................................................... (16)

6 见证历史变迁的闲暇活动----玩会

6.1 解放前的自发组织..................................................................... (19)

6.2 大集体时代生产队负责............................................................. (19)

6.3 改革开放后逐渐消失................................................................. (20)

7 结论及思考

7.1 基本结论..................................................................................... (22)

7.2 关于构建群体闲暇方式的思考................................................. (25)

7.3 本次研究中的创新及不足......................................................... (27)

7.3.1 本研究中的创新点........................................................ (27)

7.3.2 本次研究中的不足........................................................ (27)

致谢...................................................................................................... (29)

参考文献.............................................................................................. (30)

1 导言


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