
 2022-05-12 09:05


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%\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\kaishu{\chaptername}~~~#1~}{}} %设置页眉章节



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\fancyhead[r]{\xiaowuhao{第\thepage 页}}





\begin{titlepage} %从此到 \end{titlepage}的内容第一页不编页号,以后的编页号


\frontmatter %从 \frontmatter 到 \mainmatter 处的内容可在目录中出现但不编章号

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\begin{center}{\songti \sanhao{一类热传导方程初边值问题解的适定性及渐近分析}}\end{center}

\vskip 0.5cm

\begin{center}{\songti \xiaosihao \bf 摘\ \ \ \ 要}


\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{摘\ \ \ \ 要} {






\vskip 1cm \noindent{\xiaosihao {\bf 关键词:} \ 扩散光学层析成像,热传导方程,小异常物质,适定性,渐近性 }



%\begin{center}{\The fitness and asymptotic analysis of the solutions to the initial boundary value problems of a class of heat conduction equations}\end{center}

\begin{center}{\centering\sanhao\bfseries The well-posedness and asymptotic analysis of the solutions to the initial boundary value problems of a class of heat conduction equations}\end{center}

\vskip 0.5cm

\begin{center}{\xiaosihao \bf Abstract}




We study a class of initial boundary value problems of heat conduction equation, which are commonly used in diffusion optical tomography (DOT). DOT~ is a new medical imaging technology that uses the near-infrared irradiation to get three-dimensional images

and is well-know for its nondestructive, information specific, low cost and other characteristics. Using the near-infrared light as the excitation source, measuring the information of the light intensity distribution on the tissue surface, and using a certain reconstruction algorithm to reconstruct the two-dimensional and three-dimensional distribution of the biological tissue optics parameters, this technology has been widely used in clinical applications in many fields.

We assume that the diffusion medium contains small inclusions, then the diffusion model of ~DOT~ becomes a kind of mixed initial boundary value problem with discontinuous coefficient. So we use the variational method to verify the well-posedness of the problem and prove the asymptotic behavior of solution when the diameter of inclusions approaches to zero according to the study of partial differential equation qualitative theory. Finally, we use the finite element method to solve the numerical solution of the problem and present some numerical results to verify the theoretical results.

\vskip 1cm \noindent{\xiaosihao {\bf Keywords:} DOT, \ heat conduction equation, \ small inclusions, \ well-posedness, \ asymptotic behavior}




\renewcommand{\bibname}{\leftline{\sihao\bfseries 参考文献}}



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