
 2022-05-12 09:05




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\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\kaishu{\chaptername}~~~#1~}{}} %设置页眉章节

\fancyhead[l]{\kaishu{~~~东~南~大~ 学~本~科~毕~ 业~ 论~ 文}}








\begin{titlepage} %从此到 \end{titlepage} 的内容第一页不编页号,以后的编页号



\begin{center}{\kaishu \zihao{4}{基于边界积分方程的热传导方程定解问题解的渐近分析}}\end{center}

%\begin{center}{\kaishu \zihao{5}{孙师伟}}\end{center}

%\begin{center}{\kaishu \zihao{5}{(07215116)}}\end{center}

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\begin{center}{\kaishu\zihao{4} \bf 摘\ \ \ \ 要}


\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{摘\ \ \ \ 要}




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\noindent{\kaishu {\bf 关键词:} \ \ 热方程, \ \ 适定性,\ \ 渐近性态。}


\begin{center}{\kaishu \zihao{4}{Asymptotic analysis of solutions to a heat conduction problem based on boundary integral equations}}\end{center}

%\begin{center}{\kaishu \zihao{5}{孙师伟}}\end{center}

%\begin{center}{\kaishu \zihao{5}{(07215116)}}\end{center}

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\begin{center}{\kaishu\zihao{4}\bf Abstract}




Heat conduction equation is a kind of extremely important parabolic equation. In recent years, heat conduction equation appears more and more frequently in applied science and involves more and more fields. In scientific research, if there is a very small cavity in a thermal medium, it is a question worth discussing whether the existence of the cavity has influence on the heat transfer in the thermal medium and how much influence it has. In this paper, a heat conduction model is established based on this problem. We consider the existence of a small-sized cavity in an area of three-dimensional space, and then give the boundary conditions and initial conditions to establish an initial-boundary value problem for the heat conduction equation in unbounded domain. Based on the boundary integral equation method, this paper studies the asymptotic behavior of the solution of the definite solution of the heat conduction equation when the cavity diameter is small. Firstly, based on potential theory, the initial boundary value problem of heat conduction equation is transformed into a boundary integral equation, which has unique solvability in anisotropic Sobolev space~$H^{1,1/2}(\Gamma_T)$~, and the smooth property of density function can be obtained when the boundary data has certain smoothness. In addition, the monolayer potential of the thermal equation can be expressed as the monolayer potential of Laplace equation whose density function depends on time $t$. Based on this, we obtain the asymptotic behavior of the solution of the above heat conduction equation

}}} \vskip 1cm

\noindent{\kaishu {\bf Keywords:} \ \ heat equation, \ \ well-posedness, \ \ asymptotic property.}










$$\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}=k \Delta u. \eqno(1.1)$$

不失一般性,我们假设常数~$k=1$, (1.1)即为热传导方程的标准式。热传导方程具有很强的物理背景,最初是由傅里叶推导而来,主要是基于物理学中的能量守恒定律。

如果~$V\in U$~是任意光滑的子区域,那么~$V$~中总量的变化率等于边界~$\partial V$~的净通量的负值,因此我们可得

$$\frac{d}{dt}\int_V u\ dx=-\int_{\partial V} F\cdot \nu\ dS,\eqno(1.2)$$


$$u_t=-\mathrm {div}\ F,\eqno(1.3)$$


$$u_t=a\ \mathrm{div}(Du)=a \Delta u,\eqno(1.4)$$

当~$a=1$~时,就得到了热方程. \cite{Evans}


$$u(x,y,z,0)=\varphi (x,y,z),$$



u(x,y,z,t)|_{(x,y,z)\in \Gamma}=g(x,y,z,t),






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