
 2022-07-10 07:07


摘 要






European option and American option are two basic options. European options can only be implemented on the expiration date specified in the contract, while American options can be implemented on any working day prior to the expiration date specified in the contract (including maturity date). Options can be divided into call options and put options according to the purchase and sale of primary assets in the contract. A put option is a contract to sell a certain quantity and quality of original assets at a certain time and at a certain price.

Option is one of the most important financial derivatives. Reasonable pricing is the basis for options to function. For European options, we already have the classic Black-Scholes formula, which cannot be used to price options because American options allow option holders to execute at any time before the option undefined expiration date. So the pricing of American options has been a challenging topic. American option generally does not have a closed solution, even if there is a closed solution under some special circumstances, it will be difficult to be directly applied in practice because of the existence of a large number of singular integrals, so it is agreed to seek effective numerical methods. Many researchers have studied this problem and put forward many useful methods, such as Monte Carlo method, binary tree method, finite element method, finite difference method and so on. This paper mainly discusses the application of optimal stopping time in American option and the case study of American option pricing strategy by estimating the return rate and volatility in the model.

KEY WORDS: American option, Stochastic differential equation, optimal stop time, numerical calculation

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

前言 2

第一章 预备知识 3

1.1 随机过程 3

1.1.1 布朗运动 3

1.1.2 分数布朗运动 3

1.1.3 伊藤公式与伊藤定理 3

1.1.4 鞅理论 5

1.2 随机微分方程 5

1.2.1 随机微分方程的模拟 5

1.2.2 随机微分方程的应用 6

第二章 主要内容 7

2.1 期权定价模型:Black-Schloes模型 7

2.1.1 模型简介 7

2.1.2 模型推导 7

2.1.3 模型局限性 8

2.2 美式期权定价模型 9

2.2.1 几种美式期权定价方法的比较与分析…………………………………….10

2.3 最优停时在美式期权中的应用 11

2.3.1 简介 11

2.3.2 各参数估计 12

2.3.3 解决方案的推导 13

2.3.4 解决方案的最优性 17

2.3.5 数值计算 18

总结与展望 20

参考文献 22











  1. 几乎是肯定连续的;
  2. 有独立增量;
  3. .

布朗运动是武器随机模型中最有用的装置之一。这个以英国植物学家罗伯特·布朗(Robert Brown)的名字命名的奇迹,最初被认为是由一个小分子表现出来的不可预测的运动,它对流体或气体十分着迷。从这一点开始,它就在可测的拟合完整性、检验库存价值水平和量子力学等领域被明显地连接起来。1905年,阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦第一次澄清了这一奇迹,他接受了这样一个被淹没的分子被包裹介质中的粒子不断炮轰的事实。( 鼓掌 )它常被称为标准布朗运动,以罗伯特·布朗(RobertBrown)的名字命名,它是最著名的Levy形式之一,在纯数学和应用数学、经济学中不规则地发生。


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