
 2022-05-17 09:05


题 目_基于复杂网络特征描述的脑电信号分类算法研究_


学 号________ 07315103_______________

学生姓名________ 章舒江________________




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\fancyhead[l]{\kaishu{~~~东~南~大~学~本~科~ 毕~业~论~文}}











\begin{center}{\kaishu \zihao{2}{基于复杂网络特征描述的


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\begin{center}{\kaishu\zihao{4} 摘\ \ \ \ 要}


\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{摘\ \ \ \ 要} {\kaishu \ \







\vskip 1cm \noindent{\kaishu 关键词: \认知负荷,\脑电信号,\网络特征,\多阈值,\复杂网络 }



\begin{center}{\rm EEG Signal Classification Algorithm Based on Complex Network Feature Description}\end{center}

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\begin{center}{\rm\zihao{4} Abstract}




The classification of EEG signals has always been a very important research topic in the field of brain science. The use of traditional machine learning and deep learning methods for data analysis can no longer meet the needs of contemporary humans.

Complex networks have emerged in the field of data analysis because of their strong stability and robust operation. Therefore, this paper applies it to the research of EEG signal classification.

This paper completes the classification of EEG signals by extracting the complex network characteristics of EEG data from working memory experiments. The main innovations are as follows:

Firstly, a single threshold model based on neural network classifier is proposed. The time domain features were selected and the three different feature extraction methods were tested and compared after the single threshold threshold model was determined. The distribution of complex network degrees was selected as the characteristics of the sample data.

Secondly, based on the single threshold classification model, a multi-threshold method is proposed for classification. The model construction process is basically the same, but the density distribution of the distance matrix brings new enlightenment. In this paper, two methods of uniformly setting multiple threshold points and setting the threshold according to the characteristics of the density map are tried to better express the structural characteristics.

Finally, in the case of applying a heterogeneous multi-threshold joint complex network model, the classification error is reduced to 5\%. Although the model's generalization ability is insufficient, the method of extracting EEG data features by complex network method provides a new attempt for the model classification algorithm.

\vskip 0.8cm \noindent{\rm Key Words:\ cognitive load, \ EEG signal, \

network characteristics, \ multi-threshold, \ complex network}









%东~南~大~学~毕~业~设~计~报~告}\hspace{0.5cm}{\bf 第一章 \qquad 引言}

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脑电信号(EEG)由在大脑皮层的脑神经细胞电活动反映,包含了大量认知信息、病理信号和运动感应等等,在医学方面有重大研究价值。过去的研究中,深度学习已经在许多分类分析任务上有所建树,如计算机视图,它的信号比脑电图数据更强大。卷积神经网络(CNN)和循环神经网络(RNN)已经显示出它们在处理和挖掘脑电图信号特征中的潜在应用。但是直接对 EEG 时间序列使用深度学习的方法并不能比传统机器学习方法得到更好的结果。一方面,大部分情况下脑电数据集对于深度学习模型训练而言不够大。另一方面,脑电数据集一般都有很多的通道,但只有一部分通道都与特定的认知任务有关。因此,学习脑电图的强有力特征表达十分重要。人们提出了许多种将脑电信号时间序列转换为复杂网络的方法。


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