
 2022-05-12 09:05


摘 要



关键字:统计学习 支持向量机 金融数据预测 时间序列


The analysis and application of data is particularly significant in the era of big data. One of the hottest research directions is statistical learning. After several decades, many statistical methods and learning algorithms have been developed, which are applied in many fields such as biomedicine and finance. Financial data is generally non-stationary and may have periodic characteristics. The statistical learning method provides an effective solution tool for dealing with financial data for analysis and prediction. Support vector machine is one of them.

Support vector can also complete data fitting and prediction in solving linear regression and nonlinear regression problems.

This paper first gives the development of statistical learning and the research background of statistical methods in the financial field, and gives a brief introduction to statistical learning theory. And the support vector machine is expounded very comprehensive, and the specific algorithm is learned, and the experimental results are given. Finally, to predict the data , we use two different methods based on the real stock data analysis, one is the support vector machine method and another is time series method . The comparison results show that both methods can effectively solve the prediction problem, but the prediction results of the support vector machine method are better than the time series method, which can more accurately approximate the true value.

Keywords:Statistical learning,Support Vector Machine,Financial Data,

Forecasting Financial Time Series

目 录

摘要 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Ⅰ

Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Ⅱ

第一章 统计学习方法 1

1.1统计学习方法的发展 1

1.1.1统计学习方法的理论创立 1

1.1.2神经网络的发展与机器学习的繁荣 1

1.1.3金融领域内的统计方法应用 1

1.2统计学习理论 2

1.2.1统计学习的概念与目的 2

1.2.2监督学习 2

1.2.3非监督学习 3

1.3本章小结 3

第二章 支持向量机理论与实验模拟 4

2.1支持向量机的基本概念 4

2.1.1数据集的可分性 4

2.1.2感知机与分离超平面 4

2.1.3几何间隔与函数间隔 4

2.2线性支持向量机 6

2.2.1线性可分型 6

2.2.2.线性不可分型 7

2.3非线性支持向量机 9

2.4支持向量回归机 10

2.5实验模拟 12

2.5.1 支持向量分类机 12

2.5.2 支持向量回归机 14

2.6本章小结 16

第三章 金融数据实例分析 17

3.1支持向量机方法 18

3.2时间序列方法 23

3.3预测方法比较 32

3.4本章小结 32

总 结 33

参考文献 34

附 录 35

致 谢 45

第一章 统计学习方法



60年代,第一个学习机器的建立成为统计学习的第一个标志。提出了感知机模型,之后感知机的第一个学习定理被[1]成功证明,学习理论的数学探索由此开始。感知机是对神经元传递信息这一过程的模拟。针对指示函数集,在模式识别问题的研究中,[2]提出 、的概念,发现了频率一致收敛于概率的充要条件、收敛速率的非渐进界,提出并完善了结构风险最小化归纳原则,到此,标志着统计学习理论的创立。另外,密度估计的非参方法,克服了经典统计缺陷;提出了学习问题的最小描述长度归纳推理[3]。包括这些理论在内的许多早起研究成果奠定了统计学习的理论基础。



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