
 2022-01-23 08:01


摘 要

16011223 甘子伦

指导教师 王念春



本文提供了一种以太阳能作为能量来源的手机锂电池充电控制器设计方案,充电器的额定充电电压为3.7V,其最高限制电压为4.2V。以目前应用范围较其他种类锂电池更为广泛的磷酸铁锂电池作为本文研究对象,首先本文确定三阶段充电法作为磷酸铁锂电池的充电方式。在进行硬件电路部分的设计时,本文在对比了目前市场上销售的各种控制芯片后,选取了集成芯片C8051F300作为主控制芯片,该芯片的各项参数能够与其他硬件相匹配也能满足本文的设计需求,而且能够很好地对充电的过程进行控制。本文给出了以太阳能作为能量来源的手机充电控制器的总体设计方案,同时对这个课题中的 BUCK 电路本文也做出了参数设计,以便能够满足对锂离子电池充电的需要。软件的设计采用了模块化程序设计,将总体软件设计分为若干个模块,每个模块都会相应设计逻辑框图。



This thesis is to design a mobile charging controller with solar energy .

Since the 21st century, the development of industrial caused a lot of environmental problems, these problems many has been a threat to the people's life, which makes people's environmental protection consciousness gradually strengthened, so the research for solar energy, tidal energy and other clean energy applications was expanded greatly. And mobile phones have now become the people to live the essential of a piece of electronic products, now people are almost the basic necessities of life are inseparable from the phone. However, with the mobile phone function more and more rich, more and more intelligent, standby time has become a short board to restrict the development of the phone, while the standby time is mainly determined by the phone battery inside the battery. As a result, more and more people start to imagine the use of solar energy conversion principle at any time to charge the phone. At the same time, due to the lithium ion battery and other traditional rechargeable battery compared with same capacity lithium ion battery volume smaller, weight more light, and much higher energy density of the lithium ion battery than the traditional rechargeable batteries, so the mobile portable digital electronic products widely used in lithium ion batteries. In addition, the lithium ion battery and a lot of advantages, such as the ability to work well in a wide temperature range, at the time of discharge voltage is very stable, very low self-discharge rate and can be stored for a long time, no memory effect and pollution-free etc.. Therefore, in addition to the mobile robot and new energy city public traffic vehicles such large equipment, mobile phones, Walkman small mobile digital electronic products also choose lithium battery as an energy storage device, this equipment the use of time and endurance capacity will be increased. However, solar obviously does not provide sustained and stable charging current and lithium battery to charge and discharge the requirements more stringent, overcharge may cause sparks of lithium battery, and even explosion. In recent years, the mobile phone in the charging process occurred the explosion of news is also not uncommon, therefore we need to design a solar battery cell phone charger controller, the solar charge lithium batteries of mobile phone to safely.

In this thesis, a battery charging controller for a mobile phone with solar energy as the source of energy is designed. The rated charge voltage of the charger is 3.7V, and its maximum limit is 4.2V. To the current application range than other types of lithium battery more wide range of lithium iron phosphate battery as the research object of this thesis, first of all, this article determined three stage charging method for lithium iron phosphate battery charging. In the part of hardware design, this thesis after comparison of the current market sales of various control chip, select the integrated chip C8051f300 as the main control chip, the parameters of the chip can match with other hardware can meet the design requirements, and can very good control of the charging process. In this thesis the solar as energy source in the mobile phone charging the overall design scheme of the controller, but also on the subject of buck circuit in this thesis to make a design parameters, in order to be able to meet the needs of lithium ion battery charging. The design of the software uses the modular programming, and divides the overall software design into several modules, each module will design logic diagram accordingly.

Key words: Solar energy; Lithium batteries; The charger; Buck circuit

目 录

摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1化石能源即将枯竭 1

1.1.2 我国在发电领域应用太阳能的现状及其优势 1

1.1.3 太阳能分布式发电的现状及其未来发展 2

1.2对于锂离子电池充电装置目前研究的发展状况 2

1.3 本文结构及需要完成的工作 3

第二章 基本设计理论 4

2.1 锂离子电池的基本原理、特点及其各项性能 4

2.1.1 锂电池原理与特点 4

2.1.2 锂电池各项参数与性能 5

2.2锂电池的充电方式以及充电特性曲线 7

2.2.1 线性充电方式 7

2.2.2 开关充电方式 9

2.2.3 脉冲充电方式 9

2.3 本设计所选取的锂电池充电方式 10

2.4充电控制芯片原理以及选用 10

2.4.1 控制芯片的原理 10

2.4.2 本设计所选取的充电控制芯片 11

2.5 本章小结 11

第三章 硬件电路设计 12

3.1 太阳能电池板的对比及选用 12

3.1.1 目前市面上太阳能电池板的种类及特点 12

3.1.2 太阳能电池板的选用 12

3.2 DC-DC变换电路 13

3.2.1 DC-DC变换电路工作原理 13

3.2.2 DC-DC变换电路的参数设计 14

3.3 控制芯片外围电路以及PWM频率和精度问题 15

3.3.1 控制芯片外围电路设计 15

3.3.2 C8051F300输出频率为520kHz的PWM的实现 15

3.3.3 C8051F300输出PWM 的精度分析 15

3.4 系统总体方案设计 16

3.5 本章小结 17

第四章 软件设计 18

4.1 设计思想及模块划分 18


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