
 2022-11-09 11:11


摘 要





Construction Technology Design of Straight Line 2A-ZM1 

Maotou Tower (30m height) on Transmission Line


In order to solve the key problems involved in the construction scheme of the straight cat-head tower (30m high) of a transmission line project, the corresponding tower assembly scheme is determined, and then the advantages and disadvantages, safety and reliability of the determined scheme are investigated and discussed with the actual construction situation, and finally the decomposition tower assembly scheme which is most consistent with the actual situation is selected. Work out the construction process flow in the scheme of decomposing and assembling towers, calculate the leg section, the heaviest section and the highest section of the tower by graphic method and number method, and verify it according to the Construction Technology Guidelines for Tower Assembly of Overhead Transmission Lines, and then select the maximum stress from the graphic method results as the basis for selecting tools and instruments, which shall be implemented with reference to the latest national standards. After the main body of the paper is written, it is necessary to write the corresponding type of tower assembly construction operation instructions, and the graphical method is drawn by AUTOCAD software, which requires ensuring the accuracy of the graphical method calculation results



某输电线路2A-ZM1直线猫头塔(呼高30m)组立施工技术设计 1

摘 要 1

Abstract 2

第一章引 言 2

1.1 毕业设计的目的 2

1.2 毕业设计的选题 2

1.3 毕业设计的内容 2

1.3.1 组立杆塔方法的介绍 2

1.3.2 送变电前景及发展 4

第二章基于图解法的直线猫头塔(呼高30m)组立施工技术设计 5

2.1 杆塔组立施工方法的简介 5

2.2 选择组塔方法的选择 5

2.3 AUTOCAD的简单介绍 5

2.4 图解法与数解法的优缺点 6

2.5 直线猫头塔(呼高30m)设计图 6

2.6 各部分铁塔构件的质量和高度汇总 6

2.7 塔腿图解法受力分析 6

2.7.1 抱杆、滑车组、吊装方式的选择 8

2.7.2塔腿吊装布置图 8

2.7.3塔腿吊装受力分析图的绘制 9

2.8最重一段塔身图解法受力分析 13

2.8.1 抱杆、滑车组、吊装方式的选择 13

2.8.2 最重段塔身吊装布置图 13

2.8.3 最重段塔身受力分析图的绘制 13

2.8 最高段吊装图解法受力分析 19

2.9.4 最高段数解法验证图解法 24

2.9 受力大小分析 25

2.10 主要工器具的选择 26

2.11.2 白棕绳的选择 29

2.11.3 起重滑车的选择 30

2.11.4 卸扣的选择 31

2.11.5 其他工具的选用 32

2.11.6 主要工器具选择汇总 32

第三章 杆塔组立施工说明 33

1、施工准备 33

8、提升抱杆 34

详情请参考附录《直线猫头塔(呼高30m)组立施工作业指导手册》! 34

第四章结束语 35

参考文献(References) 37

附 录 38

第一章 引 言







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