
 2022-03-03 08:03


摘 要





Construction and Analysis of Multi Point Forming Equipment Model based on Flexible Manufacturing

02012539 An Xu

Supervised by Liu XiaoJun

Abstract: With the development of flexible manufacturing technology, industrial products are gradually transferred to small and medium batch production. Multi point forming is a new technology in the field of sheet metal processing, and it has a good application prospect in the field of shipbuilding and medical city construction. In the field of sheet metal forming, multi-point forming process is more flexible than traditional die stamping. Multi point forming will be based on the traditional whole die. Matrix alignment of the basic body to adjust the Z axial formation, the formation of the envelope of the completion of the sheet metal stamping. According to the needs of enterprises, based on SolidWorks to build multi point forming equipment, the paper studies the process of multi-point forming process. The main research contents are as follows:

(1) design of the overall scheme of multi point forming equipment. Firstly, the process and principle of multi-point forming are introduced, and the design scheme of multi point forming equipment model is presented. By comparing the 3 different ways to draw the best way. Multi point forming defect analysis, multi-point forming with a discrete die instead of the overall mold, high flexibility, high flexibility is bound to be limited. The most prominent three kinds of defects including indentation, rebound, fold. Through numerical analysis, this chapter studies the causes of the three kinds of defects.

(2) the design of multi point forming equipment basic body and multi point forming equipment model other parts structure. Analysis of the different types of the basic body adjustment unit, and the analysis of the internal force of multi-point forming equipment. Determine the choice of the basic body design, the use of SolidWorks software based on the expected goal function to build a three-dimensional model. The model consists of multi point forming equipment, flexible blank holding device and base, moving beam and so on. Design the external structure connecting board to assemble the base matrix in order. The simulation of sheet metal stamping process is simulated.

(3) the structure of the analysis and design model. Using ANSYS software, the design of multi point forming equipment in the design of the structure of the load check, to simulate the hydraulic system of the basic body, plunger and cylinder pressure side of the internal structure of the stress and strain. Analysis on the rationality of institutions.

Key words: flexible manufacturing;multi-point forming process;SolidWorks

目 录

1. 绪论 1

1.1 背景与研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 本文研究内容 3

1.4 论文结构 3

2. 多点成形设备总方案设计 5

2.1 设计目标 5

2.2 曲面调形机制的选择 7

2.3 工艺缺陷及控制 12

2.3.1三类多点成形工艺中易发生的缺陷 12

2.3.2压痕的产生和控制 13

2.3.3 回弹的产生及其控制 14

2.3.4 起皱的产生及其控制 14

3. 多点成形设备基本体设计 16

3.1 基本体类型 16

3.1.1 基本体控制类型 16

3.1.2 机械式结构调形单元 16

3.1.3 液压式结构调形单元 16

3.2 基本体群力学分析 18

3.3基本体结构设计 18

4. 多点成形设备其他零部件设计 23

4.1压边缸结构设计 23

4.2其他零部件设计 25

5. 多点成形设备刚强度分析 28

5.1 软件介绍 28

5.2基本体单元刚强度分析 28

5.3压边缸及其他单元刚强度分析 30

6. 总结 33

6.1 工作总结 33

6.2 研究展望 33

致谢 34

参考文献: 35

1. 绪论



金属板材成形是一种使用最少的材料制作复杂三维模型的金属板材零件的有效方法。在传统的板材模型成形过程中,根据生成的零件形状以及需要的材料不同,需要设计并制造出板材成形所需模具。模具成形方法具有适应性广、生产效率高、适合大批量生产等优点。不过根据零件的复杂程度,往往需要一套或几套不同工况的模具,设计、制造、调试模具需大量时间,研发成本高,人力资源花费大。随市场经济快速发展,人们对产品个性化提出更高要求,产品种类激增且更新换代速度大大加快。这使得更多商品生产批量正由大批量转为中小批量,这促使工业制造业向着柔性化方向发展。开发能够快速适应产品更新换代、自动化集成度高、适应面广的新型成形设备,已成为板材成形领域迫切需要[2]。 针对传统冲压加工的不足,许多新型加工方法应运而生,如精冲,液压成形,超塑成型等,其中多点成形技术引人注目[3]


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