
 2022-03-11 09:03


摘 要






No.02012406 Name:He shi cheng

Supervised by Gu xing zhong

Abstract:As a interventional medical devices, stent plays an increasingly important role in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, in order to adapt to the complex environment in the human body, the stent need to meet certain mechanical requirements. On the one hand , it should provide sufficient radial strength to withstand certain structural loads, namely radial pressure. On the other hand, the stent should be strong enough to adequately maintain its size and shape throughout its service life, a variety of external force applied to the stent, including the cyclic loading produced by the beating heart, and therefore need to have a good bracket stiffness requirements .

Since the non-degradable metal stent itself, in the event of mechanical failure after in the form of metallic foreign bodies continue to remain in the vessel, it can easily lead to thrombosis and obstruction, and therefore an ideal scaffold should choose a biodegradable polymer as a raw material preparation.Compared to traditional metal materials, polymers having poor stiffness and strength characteristics, therefore, how to process design and structural design to sufficiently improve the mechanical properties of the polymer material is focus of this study.

Due to the high two-way stretch enhanced molecular chain orientation pipe, pipe has high strength and high modulus, good mechanical properties, so the design is to design a set of two-way stretch for enhanced means biodegradable thin-walled microtubules with to improve the mechanical properties of the raw material as a scaffold biodegradable microtubules.

This design to address the problem from the pipe molding process to proceed research, analysis and comparison of existing stretch reinforced molding method, while the nature of the PLLA material was analyzed, designed a polylactic acid stretched thin wall microtubules enhanced design of the device. The innovative design of the mold structure is that by design and by precise control of the transmission process, the pipe can be achieved continuous molding process, help to improve material utilization.

Key words :stent; PLLA; Bidirectional enhancements; Blow molding;

目 录

第一章.绪论 - 1 -

1.1课题研究背景 - 1 -

1.2国内外研究现状 - 2 -

1.2.1塑料管材增强技术 - 2 -

1.2.2几种管材双向拉伸成型方法 - 3 -

1.2.3聚乳酸性能及其影响因素 - 5 -

1.3本课题设计内容及意义 - 5 -

1.3.1主要设计内容和工作 - 5 -

1.3.2目的和意义 - 6 -

1.4本课题设计难点 - 6 -

第二章 .双向拉伸自增强机理 - 7 -

2.1高分子聚合物取向机理[6] - 7 -

2.2取向的特点及影响 - 8 -

2.2.1取向的作用 - 8 -

2.2.2取向度的影响因素 - 9 -

第三章 .双向拉伸增强装置方案分析设计 - 11 -

3.1几种可行性方案分析 - 11 -

3.1.1布管扩张法[3,5,9] - 11 -

3.1.2准动态机械式扩张法[10] - 12 -

3.1.3扩张方法分析总结 - 12 -

3.2基于球囊成型原理的薄壁微管双向增强拉伸装置设计 - 13 -

3.2.1扩张定型装置 - 13 -

3.2.2模具体材料 - 15 -

3.3管坯轴端夹持装置设计 - 15 -

3.3.1夹持方案分析 - 16 -

3.3.2夹持方案设计 - 17 -

3.4加热装置设计计算 - 18 -

3.4.1加热方案 - 18 -

3.4.2加热功率计算 - 18 -

3.5传动装置设计 - 19 -

3.5控制装置设计 - 20 -

第四章 .最终方案操作过程的图示说明 - 21 -

第五章 .总结 - 23 -

致 谢 - 23 -

参考文献 - 24 -





血管支架作为一种先进的介入式医疗器械,在治疗心血管疾病这方面发挥着巨大的作用,它是在管腔球囊扩张成形的基础上,在人体血管病变段内置入支架,通过使支架保持扩张的状态,从而对血管提供一个径向的压力,使闭塞段血管同样保持扩张状态,减少血管出现弹性回缩的问题,保持病变段血管血流通畅,通过相关加工工艺成型的支架还可以防止血管出现再狭窄的问题。在血管支架研究领域,国外很早便开展了相关研究工作,血管内介入治疗的概念最早是由Charles Dotter 和 Melvin Judkins 等人在1964年提出的,Gruentzig 等在1977年顺利完成了第一例经皮冠状动脉成形术,在1986年,Sigwart 等首次研制了自扩张冠状动脉支架,次年,球囊扩张支架第一次被应用于人体手术中。随着介入式治疗技术几十年间的不断发展,血管支架术现在已经成为治疗心血管疾病最有效的方法之一[1]


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