
 2022-02-14 07:02


摘 要


关键词:换挡器换向座 自动化 装配

Shifting device production line the reversing car design automation assembly work station

02012512 Yu Han

Supervised by Xing Yan


Based on shifting device reversing car as the research object, for now the manual assembly difficulty is high, low efficiency, great error and so on a series of problems. To make characteristics as a starting point, in order to improve the production efficiency, the parts of the whole production line should be changed into automation reform. For the sake of making production location more highly integrated, Using multi-station rotary table is a great choice which can completed under the spring seat of feeding; stamp on the axle housing blank; feed spring and the spring seat. After completion the compressed spring component package, it will be installed into the reversing seat. This paper describes the design process of multi-station rotary table, at the same time, introduces the design and check of some important parts. This paper relates to the implementation method of each workstation. For the selection of actuators, with the reference cylinder selection method and referring to cylinder for each station actual need and space. For pressing sleeve blank location, for space considerations, using external loading, then put into the workstation for stamping. For the compression spring components into the commutating station, considering the particularity of spring, using multiple cylinder work way. And in accordance with the characteristics of targeted has made a solution to solve this problems easily, and then embodies the innovation of this article. In this paper, the various location using the fixture are analyzed and discussed. At the end of article,it also rule the sequence of the whole assembly line sequence of. We can use PLC to control the assembly line. At this point a production line can be put into practical is completed. This solve the practical problems at present stage in a certain extent, and also has a certain practical significance. This paper draw on the experience of predecessors, and innovate on my own way. This paper provides the shift device production line the reversing car automation design for assembly station. What had mentioned above is feasibly, which can be promoted.

Keywords: shifting device commutation automatic assembly




1.绪论 1

1.1课题来源 1

1.2课题研究背景及意义 1

1.3课题相关技术研究 1

1.4主要研究任务 1

2.总体方案设计 2

2.1装配对象分析 2

2.2装配线需要完成的动作 2

2.3生产线初步设计方案 2

2.4 各个工位自动装配机构设计与配合 4

2.4.1总体设计及自动装配动作 4

2.4.2各个工位装配结构设计 6

2.4.3 各个工位的装配时序配合 9

3.各主要零部件的设计与校核 9

3.1转台设计过程 10

3.1.1转台的动力源选型设计 10

3.1.2工作台回转运动规律分析 10

3.1.3步进电机启动力矩的计算 11

3.2减速机构齿轮的综合计算 12

3.2.1、选定齿轮类型、精度等级、材料及齿数 12

3.2.2按齿面接触强度进行校核设计 12

3.2.3、根据齿根弯曲强度计算 14

3.2.4、齿轮几何尺寸 15

3.2.5、齿轮验算 16

3.2.6、齿轮结构设计尺寸 16

3.2.7、第二对齿轮的设计 18

3.3支撑轴的设计计算 19

3.3.1、选择轴的材料和热处理 19

3.3.2、初步估算轴的直径 19

3.3.3、轴的结构设计 19

3.4滚动轴承的计算分析 24

4.各个工位的气缸选型 26

4.1.弹簧座下的放入 26

4.2冲压轴套毛坯 26

4.3弹簧座上的上料,并且将弹簧组件压缩安装至换向座内指定位置 27

4.4换向座的涂脂 27

5.夹具的设计 28

5.1.放置弹簧座下的夹具设计 28

5.2.冲压轴套毛坯的限位夹具 29

5.3轴套毛坯下料后限位夹具 30

5.4夹取弹簧组件的夹取夹具 31

5.5运输换向座并涂脂的限位夹具 32

6.气缸时序控制 34

6.1对各个工位气缸进行编号 34

6.2 各气缸运动时序控制 35

7.生产线运行情况分析与讨论 38

8.结论与展望 38


参考文献 41





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