
 2022-02-24 07:02


摘 要




关键词:IP地址地理定位 IP地址前缀规范化检查 段维护算法




The research is based on geolocation library for IP address from the IP Comprehensive Information System (IPCIS). IPCIS is a comprehensive information system of IP address which constructed by the CERNET backbone. IP address location library is a subsystem of IPCIS, which supported by combining several accurate open source IP geolocation databases. The current IP address use main data from Maxmind, IP2Location, QQ Naivety and whios database of CERNET itself, which contains 6745048 location information of IPv4, and covers a total of 237 countries and regions.

But with the content of IP address location library changing constantly, there is an influence on the accurate use of the database. Therefore, there is a need to maintain existing IP address location library regularly, sequentially improve the accuracy of the database information, and enhance IPCIS system availability.

The main task of this paper is to establish the effective maintenance system of IP address location library in IPCIS. It includes specific tasks are the IP address prefix standardized examination, the inspection of the missing content of IP address information and the improvement of update mechanism. IP address prefix standardized examination is to express each data according to IP address prefix form, and merge the IP information according to IP address prefix specification as much as possible. This paper proposes a segment maintenance algorithm and verifies its effectiveness through the program. IP address missing content inspection is aim at finding missing content of IP address information and count the numbers. Perfecting the database update mechanism is to make some improvement on the basis of the original update mechanism, and obtain the update data.

Keywords:IP address’ geolocation, IP address prefix standardized examination, segment maintenance algorithm

目 录

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.1.1 IP地址地理定位概念 1

1.1.2 论文研究背景 2

1.1.3 IP地址使用位置库介绍 3

1.2 IP地理定位现状 4

1.3 研究目标与内容 5

1.4 论文组织结构 5

第二章 IP地址前缀规范化检查 6

2.1 问题定义 6

2.2算法设计思想 6

2.3 算法流程图与详细描述 7

2.3.1合并部分流程图与描述 7

2.3.2拆分部分流程图与描述 8

2.4 算法具体实例 9

2.4.1 合并部分实例 9

2.4.2 拆分部分实例 9

2.5 算法有效性分析 10

2.6 实验结果统计分析 11

2.7 本章小结 13

第三章 IP地址使用位置库缺失内容检查 14

3.1 问题定义 14

3.2 算法设计思想 14

3.3算法流程图与详细描述 14

3.4 实验结果统计分析 15

3.5 本章小结 15

第四章 IP地址使用位置库更新 16

4.1 问题来源 16

4.2 可用数据介绍 16

4.3 现有数据库的更新机制 17

4.3.1连续多跳IP地址关联分析算法 18

4.3.2基于时延的IP地址关联分析算法 18

4.4 IP地址使用位置库更新机制改进 19

4.5 IP地址使用位置库自动更新结果 19

4.6 本章小结 21

第五章 论文总结 22

5.1 工作总结 22

5.2 研究展望 22

致谢 24

主要参考文献 25

第一章 绪 论

1.1 引言


IP地理位置定位是未来网络服务的发展方向之一,然而现在并没有一个权威的IP地址使用位置库,目前大多位置数据库是大杂烩式的来源导出的(包括DNS LOC记录,域名注册,主机名和DNS解析规则)。这些信息源基本是由人工手动维护的,因而存在信息不一致和过时的影响。


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