
 2023-02-05 11:02


摘 要

时代在变迁,计算机技术的不断发展,各方面的应用趋于成熟。医院仿佛站在一个十字路口,面临着信息时代带来的诱惑和挑战,信息化管理成为了不可避免的运营方向。医院管理系统(Hospital Information System,HIS)能够实现医院的信息共享,能够有效的提高医院的工作效率,可以降低病人的治疗时间,使经济效益和社会效益都可以有较大的提高。



Design and implementation of hospital inpatient management system


The times are changing, the continuous development of computer technology, and the application of all aspects tends to mature. The hospital seems to be standing at a crossroads, facing the temptation and challenge brought by the information age, and information management has become an inevitable operation direction.Hospital Information System (HIS) can realize the Information sharing of the Hospital, effectively improve the working efficiency of the Hospital, reduce the treatment time of patients, and greatly improve the economic and social benefits.

This paper first discusses the development significance and current situation of the hospital inpatient system, and expounds the research purpose, research content and implementation method. Then, according to the feasibility requirement analysis, it is determined that the system is necessary for development, and then according to the needs of the system. The corresponding design tasks and design methods were determined. Then it introduces the advantages of MySQL over other databases, and introduces the main functions of this hospital management system. Finally, I summarized the knowledge I learned in the process of system design and completion. The system adopts the structure of B/S, and uses JSP and Servlet technology to develop. The system mainly adopts the MVC mode, which improves the readability and reusability of Java code, and uses the MySQL small database, and at the same time, it is convenient to record logs. Log4j was introduced to log the program run log. In order to better satisfy the needs of hospital staff, the following functional modules were specially designed: ward management, patient management, medical staff management, system user management, and drug management to better serve the staff.

Keywords: Hospital Information System,information management,MySQL,JSP


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 国内外研究动态 1

1.3 课题研究的目的与主要内容 2

1.4 设计思路 2

1.5 论文结构 2

第二章 系统开发技术概述 4

2.1 开发环境 4

2.2 技术概述 4

2.2.1 JSP技术 4

2.2.2 JDBC技术 4

2.2.3 MySQL数据库 4

2.3 B/S架构 5

第三章 系统分析 6

3.1 可行性分析 6

3.1.1 技术可行性分析 6

3.1.2 经济可行性分析 6

3.1.3 社会可行性分析 6

3.1.4 操作可行性分析 6

3.2 需求分析 6

3.2.1 需求功能分析 6

3.2.2 系统主要流程图 7

3.2.3 数据字典 7

第四章 系统总体设计 9

4.1 系统体系结构 9

4.2 系统流程图 9

4.3 系统E-R图 10

第五章 系统详细设计 11

5.1 系统面向用户 11

5.2 系统业务流程设计 11

5.3 数据库设计 11

5.4 详细设计 13

5.4.1 登录功能设计 13

5.4.2 病房信息管理设计 13

5.4.3 病人信息管理设计 14

5.4.4 护士信息管理设计 15

5.4.5 医生信息管理设计 16

5.4.6 药品信息管理设计 17

5.4.7 操作日志设计 18

5.4.8 系统用户管理设计 18

5.4.9 报表信息管理设计 19

第六章 系统测试 22

6.1 测试环境 22

6.2 测试的意义与目的 22

6.2.1 测试的意义 22

6.2.2 测试的目的 22

6.3 系统测试的方法 22

6.4 系统测试的内容 22

6.4.1 登录功能测试 22

6.4.2 病人信息管理功能测试 23

6.4.3 病房信息管理功能测试 23

6.4.4 用户信息管理功能测试 24

第七章 总结 25

参考文献 26

致谢 27






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