
 2023-03-21 04:03


摘 要

进入21世纪以后,人们的生活水平飞速提高,经济迅速发展,汽车成为很多家庭的重要的交通工具,汽车的数量逐渐增多,加快了交通运输的流通力度,这样就不可避免地带来了很多关于交通运输的严重后果与问题。Intelligent Transportation System(智能交通系统)的产生可以有效地解决交通问题。而在Intelligent Transportation System中,车牌识别在对交通管理的实战中有着重要地位。现如今大范围地推广车牌管理,可以有效地阻止停车违章等现象,更加便于管理车辆以及道路,对车辆盗窃案件的发生有着沉重的打击。

车牌识别(Vehicle License Plate Recognition,VLPR) 是计算机图像识别技术在车辆牌照识别的一项应用。是现代智能交通管理不可或缺的组成部分之一,使得车辆的管理更加智能、方便和有效。车牌识别系统有五大核心部分,即图像获取、预处理、车牌定位、字符数字分割以及数字字符识别[11]。完整车牌识别需要实现的功能有:1. 从图片中定位出车牌所在位置;2. 将车牌的区域提取出并且分析,将车牌图片调整到统一大小标准的位置;3. 对标准大小的车牌图片进行字符识别。本文的主要内容是车牌识别算法第三步。即在标准车牌图片的基础上,识别车牌字符。完成图像的自动阈值分割,字符分割,字符特征提取和字符特征匹配等部分内容。


Standardized Vehicle License Plate Recognition


With the arrival of the twenty-first century, the rapid economic development and people"s living standards have markedly improved, the car gradually become the main means of transport for the family. Rapid increase in production of motor vehicles, vehicular movement has become increasingly frequent, and therefore poses a serious problem to the traffic, such as traffic congestion, traffic accidents, the generation of the Intelligent Transportation System (Intelligent Transportation System) In order to fundamentally solve the problem of traffic problem. License plate recognition technology in the intelligent transportation system occupies an important position, a significant and far-reaching impact on the promotion of universal license plate recognition technology is bound to strengthen road management, urban traffic accidents, illegal parking, and deal with the theft of the vehicle, and safeguard social stability.

License Plate Recognition (Vehicle License Plate Recognition, VLPR) is an application of computer image Recognition technology apply in Vehicle License Plate Recognition. Is one of the indispensable part of modern intelligent traffic management, the vehicle management more intelligent, convenient and effective. License plate recognition system has five core part, the system mainly includes image acquisition, image preprocessing, license plate location, character segmentation, character recognition. Complete license plate recognition need to implement the functions are: 1. Locate the license plate location in the picture; 2. The license plate region extraction and analysis, the license plate image adjustment to the unified standards to the size of the position; 3. The standard size of license plate images for character recognition. In this paper, the third step is the main content of the license plate recognition algorithm. On the basis of the standard license plate images, identification of license plate characters. Complete the automatic threshold image segmentation, character segmentation, character feature extraction and feature matching parts, such as characters.

Keywords: Character segmentation;Character feature extraction;Character feature matching;MATLAB


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题相关背景研究与研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势 2

1.2.1 国外情况: 2

1.2.2国内情况: 2

1.3 标准车牌识别的原理 3

1.4 总体设计方案 4

1.5 MATLAB简介 5

第二章 标准车牌识别需求分析 7

2.1 车牌识别的难点 7

2.1.1 车牌本身的难点[8]: 7

2.1.2算法上的难点: 7

2.2可行性的分析 7

2.3运行环境分析 7

2.3.1 硬件分析 7

2.3.2软件分析 8

第三章 标准车牌识别系统的实现与分析 9

3.1车牌定位与分割 9

3.1.1车牌的定位处理 10

3.1.2 车牌分割 10

3.1.3进一步的处理 11

3.2. 字符分割与归一化 12

3.2.1 字符分割 13

3.2.2 字符归一化 14

3.2.3 字符识别 15

3.2.4 字符识别结果统计 17

3.3 系统分析 19

第四章 总结 20

谢辞 21

参考文献 22

第一章 绪论

    1. 课题相关背景研究与研究意义


ITS(Intelligent Transport System, 智能交通系统)是把计算机、传感器、控制、信息、通讯技术等集成为一个体系,运用于交通运输管理,建立起在全方位、大范围中发挥实时、准确的运输、管理体系。在发达国家,例如美国、日本和欧洲的一些国家,ITS有着广泛地应用,而在我国,只有在北京上海等一线城市有着广发的使用,这个就与发达国家有了很大的差距。伴随我国的经济水平不断地提高、综合实力的不断增强、公路快速普及,让城市化进程的步伐加快,交通运输事业快速发展,ITS成为人们车辆管理的有效途径,成功解决很多繁琐的交通问题,前景非常乐观。


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