
 2022-03-05 09:03


摘 要


关键词: 风险投资、投资过度、投资不足。




Chinese capital market is not completely efficient. Principal-agent and asymmetric information problems are existed commonly, leading to the listed companies exist the over investment of free cash flow and the under-investment caused by cash flow shortage. The existence of the unefficient investment behavior could both reduce corporate earnings and reduce the efficiency of market resources allocation. In theory, venture capital institutions can play a regulatory function and use their financing network to reduce the asymmetry information and principal-agent cost. The article selects 2012-2015 financial data of 354 companies listed on the growth enterprise market(GEM) between 2009 to 2012 ,then builds Richardson residual measurement model,the over-investment model and under-investment model to research the mechanism of action of venture capital institutions on listed companies on GEM mechanism and effect of the venture capital on corporate investment behavior. The empirical research's results show that listed companies on GEM contained in venture capital have less over-investment of free cash flow and under-investment caused by cash flow shortage, which indicates that listed companies can still use supervision function and reputation resources and financing network from venture capital institutions to reduce the principal-agent cost and asymmetry information, thus the over-investment and under-investment can be alleviated. The research of the paper is not only to deepen and update the role of venture capital in the field of corporate governance, but also have certain reference function for encouraging and regulating the domestic development of venture capital institutions indirectly.

KEY WORD:Venture capital, over-investment, under-investment.

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 导论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.1.1 风险投资背景 1

1.1.2 资本市场背景 1

1.2 研究意义 2

1.3 研究内容及方法 3

1.3.1研究内容 3

1.3.2 研究方法 4

1.4 研究可能的创新 4

第二章 文献综述 5

2.1企业投资行为的理论分析 5

2.1.1 委托代理理论的解释 5

2.1.2 信息不对称角度的解释 6

2.2风险投资影响企业投资行为的研究 6

2.2.1风险投资影响企业的研究 6

2.2.2 风险投资影响企业投资行为的研究 7

2.3 文献述评 7

第三章 研究设计 9

3.1设计框架 9

3.2 研究假设 9

3.3 研究样本及数据 10

3.4 研究模型 10

3.4.1 企业投资行为度量模型的构建 10

3.4.2 风险投资对企业投资行为影响模型的构建 12

第四章 实证检验与分析 14

4.1 Richardson投资模型分析 14

4.1.1 Richardson投资模型的描述性统计分析 14

4.1.2 Richardson投资模型的实证分析 14

4.2 风险投资模型分析 15

4.2.1 风险投资模型描述性统计分析 15

4.2.2 风险投资对过度投资与投资不足影响的实证分析 17

第五章 结论与不足 21

5.1 结论 21

5.2 研究的不足 21

5.3 后续研究空间 22

致谢 23

参考文献 24

第一章 导论

1.1 选题背景

1.1.1 风险投资背景


风险投资的概念首次在中国生根是1984年。中央收到成立风险投资公司(Venture Capital Firms,以下简称VCF)以支持科技产业发展的建议报告,随后,颁布一系列文件从政策上支持风险投资在中国发展。此后VCF在中国雨后春笋般出现、成长。这一阶段的风险投资有一个显著特点:资本来自财政拨款,直到1998年这种模式才发生转变,个人和企业开始自筹资金构建风险资本,由此成为真正意义上的风险投资,并快速发展。


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