
 2022-01-30 08:01


摘 要

2010年正式开闸的创业板,给中国证券市场注入了一股全新的血液。创业板近年来对中国股市的影响也不容忽视。深交所2013年发布的数据显示,创业板公司平均收入规模增幅达80%,有效助力了经济结构转型。另外,并购重组也一直是各国证券市场中的热点。它在改善公司资源配置中起到了至关重要的作用。我国2012年沪深股市IPO暂停, 当时尚未公布何时重启,因此2013年的时候证券市场掀起了并购重组借壳上市的热潮。特别是对于运营规模较小的创业板公司而言,这是一个实现低成本融资的绝佳机会。我国机智的创业板企业也准确抓住了这个契机。但是创业板上市公司并购重组是否真的能给公司带来正的绩效?本文旨在通过主成分分析和财务指标研究法来探究这一问题。

本文在综合论述了国内外相关研究成果的基础上,结合中国创业板近年来发展的特点,对我国创业板上市公司2013年发生的收购事件进行了统计研究,以当年创业板发生且成功完成并购重组活动的公司为研究对象,收集了这些公司相关年度财务数据,并运用 SPSS19.0统计分析软件进行因子分析、主成分分析等实证研究,考察样本上市公司的长期绩效变化。



关键词:创业板 并购重组 绩效 因子分析 财务指标分析法




The GEM Board opened in 2010 introduced a spring for mergers and acquisitions in stock market of China. Mamp;A has been a hot topic in the securities markets all over the world recently.

The Shenzhen stock exchange released in 2013 that the GEM average income scale has an increase of 80% , promoting the economic restructuring. Mergers and acquisitions has been a hot topic in the securities market, especially for the GEM companies whose operation scale is still small. Mamp;A is the main path to seek extension type expansion. However, is it a truth that Mamp;A can improve the company's performance? We are intended to find it out with principal component analysis and research method to explore the financial index Investigated.

This paper reviewed the main relevant domestic and foreign research results on mergers and acquisitions and its performance . Given the particularity of the Gem, a statistical study on the acquisition of the listing Corporation in China in 2013 was carried out. We took the occurrence of the gem and the successful completion of the merger and reorganization of The Mobility Company as the research object, collected the relevant financial data of these companies, and used statistical analysis software SPSS19.0 to conduct the factor analysis, in order to find out the long-term performance of listing Corporation after Mamp;A.

The result shows that in 2013, those sample firms in the overall performance decreased significantly, but two years later, the performance has gradually stabilized. That’s to say, mergers and acquisitions in the short term does not improve the performance of enterprises , but in the long run it is an important means to achieve a diversified development of enterprises.

KEY WORDS: the GEM Board Mamp;A Performance Factor Analysis

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究思路及主要内容 2

1.4 创新与不足 2

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1 国外研究 3

2.2 国内研究 4

第三章 并购重组和企业绩效 6

3.1 并购重组基本概念 6

3.2 并购重组的类型分类 6

3.2.1 按照并购双方行业关系分类 6

3.2.2 按照并购意愿分类 6

3.2.3 按照支付方式分类 6

3.3 公司绩效的基本概念 7

3.4 绩效的评价方法 7

3.5 并购重组与绩效之间的关系 8

3.5.1 协同效应理论 8

3.5.2 代理成本理论 9

3.5.3 规模效应理论 9

3.5.4 股票市场驱动理论 9

3.5.5 自大假说与过度自信理论 9

第四章 我国创业板上市公司并购重组的实证分析 11

4.1 数据来源与样本选择 11

4.1.1 数据来源 11

4.1.2 样本选择 11

4.2 财务指标的选取 11

4.3 建立模型和实证分析 12

4.3.1 因子分析 12

4.3.2 主成分分析 12

4.3.3 原始财务指标描述性统计分析 13

4.3.4 因子分析和主成分分析的适用性判断 16

4.3.5 提取主因子和建立综合评价指标 18

4.3.6 样本公司综合得分评价结果 26

第五章 结论与建议 32

5.1 研究结论 32

5.2 政策建议 32

第六章 参考文献 34

致 谢 35

  1. 引言

1.1 研究背景


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