
 2022-06-28 11:06


摘 要




As everyone knows, franchising, as a form of corporate organization with a history of more than one hundred years, still has a strong vitality today and in the foreseeable future. The theoretical research of foreign scholars is relatively comprehensive, but most of them are not only focused on franchising, in many cases, the rationality or inevitability of franchising cannot be fully explained, but domestic theoretical research often gives relatively general recommendations based on the issue. Empirical research abroad has more data and more practical significance than domestic ones. China’s economy continues to grow at a medium- and high-speed level, and residents’ income and consumption are also rising. As the backbone of consumption upgrades—— the middle class is also rising, the huge population base and huge market size allow us to manage franchising, the future of China’s development is full of expectations. The authors select three listed companies in snack foods and compared their development history to find out the development path of the franchising system, and then discovered the reason behind the performance gap between the three companies——The company faced the different stages of its own development had different corporate strategy choices in different market environments ,and according to the current situation and market conditions of the three companies, the three companies are proposed separately for future corporate strategy selection, combined with empirical research, it finds out the characteristics of the development of the franchise system in the current food retail and catering industry. Finally, in applying the observations of the three companies to other franchise systems, the authors provide guidance on the current or potential franchise system on issues such as “whether to implement franchising” and “franchising ratio and expansion speed” , and put forward the possible development direction of the franchise system under the background of the Internet and new technologies.

KEY WORDS: franchising, corporate strategy, corporate performance


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引 言 4

1.1 选题背景及意义 4

1.2 研究方法 4

1.3 结构安排 5

第二章 文献综述 6

2.1 国外研究 6

2.2 国内研究 8

第三章 自营还是加盟:以休闲食品行业为例 10

3.1 企业基本发展情况简述 10

3.2 企业历史数据对比研究 12

3.3 企业策略分析探讨 18

3.3.1 企业内部策略 18

3.3.2 企业外部策略 21

3.4 实证分析 24

3.4.1 模型构建 24

3.4.2 数据处理 24

3.4.3 实证结果分析 24

3.5 互联网、新技术背景下的展望 25

第四章 总 结 27

致谢 28

参考文献 29

附录 30

引 言



“特许经营”的理念于上世纪年代后期由学者、企业家引入国内,在众多知名的国外企业不断登陆中国市场并不断进行市场扩张的背景下,一些国内的特许经营企业也迅速成长。根据中国连锁经营协会2017年发布的数据我们可以计算出, 2016年中国特许经营100强企业的销售规模达3583亿元中超过70%份额来自加盟店。随着大众创业万众创新的口号的提出,中国特许经营行业迎来又一轮春天。如今中国特许经营的规模仍未出现发展减缓的趋势,中国拥有巨大的人口基数和市场规模、也是投资者以及国内外特许人、加盟商密切关注的市场之一。我国大部分特许加盟企业相对注重稳定发展,开始从单纯关注加盟店数量向用心建立核心竞争力的方向转变。我们通过百度指数也可以看出,在经济发达的环渤海、长三角和珠三角地区特许经营的关注度极高,小型便利店、健身、旅游型酒店等等也成为新的投资目标。


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