
 2022-04-18 10:04


摘 要




At present,China is in the new stage of pursuing urban-rural integration and high-quality economic development,The transfer of farmland not only provides a large amount of non-agricultural land for urbanization and industrialization,To a certain extent, it provides an opportunity to promote the development of the village collective economy,However,the existing land acquisition system still has certain defects and shortcomings in the distribution of land value-added income and the protection of farmers' land rights,Especially in the process of land acquisition in developed regions,the contradiction surrounding the compensation for land acquisition and the distribution of value-added income has aroused great social concern,The system of land use is a policy system proposed by the modern social government to compensate farmers for losses during the process of land acquisition,It is a result of the game between the government and the village collective,The purpose of the system of retained land is to activate rural dormant assets,increase the income level of land-expropriated villages and farmers,and compensate farmers for the loss of land,Compared with the way of monetary compensation,the land use system is a distribution method that can obtain land value-added income for a long time,This paper firstly sorts out the institutional background and theoretical basis of conflicts of interest in the process of land acquisition through literature and theoretical analysis;Secondly,it introduces three typical models formed by the system of retained land in the development process,The land use system of Hangzhou,Shanghai and Guangzhou has been compared and analyzed from three aspects: system design,land use development mode and market performance,Case studies were carried out by enumerating typical areas of the three provinces and municipalities that implemented the land use system, and analyzed the effects they achieved in implementing the system of retained land,The performance of the implementation of the land use system was evaluated from the perspective of income and cost,The problems existing in the implementation process of the land use system were discovered and put forward,Finally,the full text was summarized and forecasted,

KEY WORDS:Residency system,Land acquisition,Development model,

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 3

1,1 研究背景和意义 3

1,1,1 研究背景 3

1,1,2 研究意义 4

1,2 研究目标和内容 4

1,2,1 研究目标 4

1,2,2 研究内容 4

1,3 研究方法和技术路线 5

1,3,1 研究方法 5

1,3,2 技术路线 6

第二章 文献综述 7

2,1 征地制度与安置补偿 7

2,2 留用地制度 7

2,3 公共治理理论 9

第三章 理论基础;征地悖论与制度根源 11

3,1 征地悖论的制度来源 11

3,2 基于委托-代理理论的微观冲突机制 11

3,3 农地非农化过程中的双重悲剧 12

第四章 留用地开发的制度设计、开发模式和地方实践 14

4,1 留用地制度的一般形式 14

4,1,1 杭州市留用地制度 14

4,1,2 上海市留用地制度 15

4,1,3 广州市留用地制度 15

4,2 留用地制度开发模式 16

4,2,1 杭州市留用地制度开发模式 16

4,2,2 上海市留用地制度开发模式 18

4,2,3 广州市留用地制度开发模式 18

4,3 留用地制度的典型模式 20

第五章 留用地开发的路径选择和绩效评价 22

5,1 治理机制选择和政策工具 22

5,2 三种治理模式的绩效对比分析 22

5,3 三种治理绩效的治理网络 27

第六章 结论与展望 31

6,1 结论 31

6,2 展望 31

参考文献 34

致谢 36







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