
 2022-01-26 12:01


摘 要






Some Issues on Sino-Mongolian cooperation in the development of oil industry


Mongolia is located in the north of China, is one of the important friendly country of China, so to strengthen the economic cooperation between the two countries promote the economic development of Mongolia and China.

For Mongolia, the development of oil industry not only meet the domestic demand, also conducive to enhance its economic security. In terms of oil resources, Mongolia has an own big advantages. But the personnel technical level in this industry is low, especially compared with developed countries, there is a big difference in terms of technology and equipment.

Some countries in the world have a big influence, because they can affect the ratio of oil in the market. For example Russia, its rich oil resource makes it have bigger advantage in the global oil market. But Mongolia’s advantage is weak, oil price fluctuations, is vulnerable to economic loss. Therefore, Mongolia first need to improve the domestic oil level and quantity, meet domestic manufacturers urgent demand for oil and reduce the adverse effects of importing oil products as a raw material price changes.

In recent years, Mongolian oil reserve is increasing. Mongolia and China has the broad prospects for cooperation. China has the technology, Mongolia has the market and resources, although the two countries cooperation is still in the primary, but the future is considerable. In order to promote the bilateral cooperation between two countries in oil industry, this paper argues that Mongolia should invest in the infrastructure environment,increasing investment on environment and consummate the relevant laws and regulations. This thesis is divided into 5 chapters. The first part is introduction. Including the background, significance,key problems and the difficulty, literature review and research methods. The second part introduced the history of Mongolian oil development and current situation, especially about Mongolian oil reserve and petroleum product storage facilities. The third part studies Sino-Mongolian oil development cooperation, Mongolian mining infrastructure and oil development infrastructure environment. The fourth part discusses some issues on the oil development cooperation. The fifth part summarizes the development prospect of Sino-Mongolian cooperation in the oil industry.

Keywords: Mongolian oil sector, crude oil mining , oil storage facilities, Chinese investment, Sino Mongolian cooperation in the oil industry


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 导论 4

1.1选题背景和意义 4

1.2课题关键问题及难点 4

1.3文献综述 5

1.4研究方法 5

第二章 蒙古国石油开发的历史与现状 6

2.1石油经济对蒙古国的影响 6

2.2蒙古国石油资源存量状况 6

2.3蒙古国石油产品储存设施现状 7

2.4蒙古国石油开发历史 8

2.5蒙古国石油开发现状.................................................... 9

第三章 蒙中石油开发合作现状 10

3.1蒙古石油开发的基础设施 10

3.2中国在蒙古国投资现状 10

3.3中国在蒙古国石油领域投资现状......................................... 11

3.4蒙中石油开发合作历史与现状 12

第四章 蒙中石油开发合作中存在的问题.........................................13


4.2 和中国相关的主要问题.............................. .................. 13

第五章 进一步加强蒙中石油开发合作的策略 15

5.1 进一步加强基础设施环境的建设......................................... 15

5.2进一步完善投资环境的建设............................................. 15

5.3 进一步完善法律环境的建设............................................. 16


参考文献 18

致 谢 19


1.1 选题背景和意义


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