
 2023-03-27 08:03


摘 要





The development prospects of cross-border e-commerce and its impact on the export trade of Jiangsu Province


Since the outbreak of the American financial crisis in 2008, the global economy has also produced a great decline, the international market environment has become increasingly worse, international demand has declined, trade friction between countries continue to. Coupled with rising labor and increased land costs, and RMB appreciation, export trade situation facing severe test, in this context, the cross-border e-commerce was born, and rapid development. China"s cross-border e-commerce has five basic characteristics, a total of three stages.

The development of cross-border E-commerce makes domestic consumers will be able to stay at home to buy foreign products and services, shopping has transcended the borders, which to the vast number of consumers brought great convenience. China"s cross-border e-commerce platform construction and payment methods and other aspects of the technology have been improved, but there are still a series of risk issues in the export trade.

In the development of the traditional electronic commerce, this paper tries to analyze the development prospects of cross-border e-commerce and Jiangsu province to promote cross-border e-commerce, the impact of the export trade. In order to find the factors that hinder the development of cross-border e-commerce in Jiangsu Province, this paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures, in order to promote the healthy and stable development of cross-border e-commerce in china.

Key words:cross-border e-commerce;development prospects;export trade

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究的意义 1

1.3 研究思路及内容 1

1.4 论文框架 2

第二章 文献综述 3

第三章 跨境电子商务的前景分析 5

3.1 跨境电子商务的概述 5

3.1.1 跨境电子商务的概念 5

3.1.2 跨境电子商务的特征 5

3.2 我国跨境电子商务发展历程 5

3.2.1 第一阶段,跨境电子商务1.0阶段(1999-2003) 5

3.2.2 第二阶段,跨境电子商务2.0阶段(2004-2012) 6

3.2.3 第三阶段,跨境电子商务3.0阶段(2013至今) 6

3.3 我国跨境电子商务的现状 6

3.3.1 全球电子商务的发展现状 6

3.3.2 我国跨境电子商务发展现状 7

3.4 我国跨境电子商务的发展前景 8

3.4.1产品种类增多,市场占有率增大 8

3.4.2多渠道的购物体验 8

3.4.3市场成熟能力强、新兴市场发展快 8

3.4.4物流模式选择多样化 9

3.5 我国跨境电子商务发展的主要问题 9

第四章 跨境电子商务对江苏省出口贸易的影响 10

4.1 江苏省出口贸易的现状 10

4.2 跨境电子商务对江苏省对外贸易的影响 10

4.2.1 江苏省外贸经营主体的变化 11

4.2.2 江苏省外贸交易方式的变化 11

4.2.3 江苏省外贸企业出口效益的变化 11

4.2.4 江苏省外贸企业模式的变化 12

4.2.5 江苏省外贸企业在国际市场地位的变化 12

4.3 江苏省利用跨境电子商务存在的问题 13

4.3.1 跨境物流产业发展明显滞后 13

4.3.2 交易安全性难以保障 13

4.3.3 侵犯国外知识产权现象时有发生 13

4.3.4 跨境电子商务信用风险有待完善 13

第五章 江苏省充分利用跨境电子商务发展对外贸易的对策和建议 14

5.1 政策层面对策 14

5.1.1 解决电子商务的发展瓶颈 14

5.1.2 规范参与跨境电子商务交易主体的经营行为 14

5.1.3 重视跨境电子商务的人才培养 15

5.2 企业层面对策 15

5.2.1 企业要做好国外市场调研 15

5.2.2 提高自身品牌和技术创新能力 16

5.2.3 强化中小企业间分工合作 16

结 论 17

致 谢 18

参考文献 19

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景


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