
 2022-07-06 01:07


摘 要





At present, the development of China’s economic has been upgraded from a high-speed phase to a high-quality phase. During this important strategic period, both the 13th five-year Plan for Economic and Social Development and the 19th National Congress report pointed out that we must speed up the development of modern service industries, catch up with international standards and extend producer service towards specialization and high-end position in global value chains. Meanwhile, we should expand the opening up of the service industry, cultivate new models of trade, improve the level of service trade facilitation, optimize the structure of service trade, and transfer into a country with strong trade competitiveness. Therefore, this article selects China's producer service trade as the main research object, focusing on analyzing the development status, trade competitiveness and influencing factors, and accordingly provide suggestions for improvement.

The main part of the article first analyzes in detail the development scale, growth rate, and trade structure of China's producer service trade; then, through the establishment of an indicator system including International Market Share, Revealed Comparative Advantage, Trade Special Coefficient and Michaely Index, the competitiveness of individual sectors of producer services trade is measured, and horizontally compared with the United States and India. It is shown that there is still a large gap between the competitiveness of China's producer service trade and that of developed countries, and China’s comparative competitive advantage exists mainly in traditional sectors, indicating that the industry structure is unbalanced and it is urgently necessary to shift to the direction of modernization. Next, this paper establishes a multiple regression model and empirically analyzes the factors affecting the competitiveness of China's producer service trade. Results indicate that GNI per capita, merchandise exports, foreign direct investment(FDI), and trade openness can significantly promote competitiveness. Finally, based on the results of competitive analysis and empirical research, this paper proposes relevant policy recommendations.

KEY WORDS: producer service, trade competitiveness, influencing factors

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 研究内容与方法 2

第二章 理论基础与文献综述 3

2.1 理论基础 3

2.2 文献综述 4

第三章 中国生产性服务贸易现状分析 8

3.1 贸易规模 8

3.2 贸易增速 10

3.3 贸易结构 11

第四章 中国生产性服务贸易竞争力比较 16

4.1 中国竞争力分析 16

4.1.1 IMS指数 16

4.1.2 RCA指数 17

4.1.3 TC指数 19

4.1.4 Michaely指数 21

4.2 中美印国际比较 22

4.2.1 整体竞争力比较 22

4.2.2 部门竞争力比较 24

第五章 中国生产性服务贸易竞争力影响因素实证 30

5.1 影响因素筛选 30

5.2 变量选取和数据说明 31

5.3 构建模型和回归分析 32

结论与政策建议 36

致谢 38

参考文献 39






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