
 2022-01-30 10:01


摘 要






The Impact of E-WOM on Consumers’ Purchasing Behavior in Social Media Environment


The growing popularity of the network makes the extension with the number of Internet users, while people continue to introduce new types of social media platforms, prompting Internet users use Internet platforms to spread and search word of mouse, and such phenomenon has become social mainstream. It can be seen the tremendous impact of the Internet for people's purchasing behavior. To a certain extent, the traditional business model is also affected by the impact of the internet.

21st century word of mouse is different from traditional word of mouth, which plays an increasingly prominent role in consumer buying behavior. Customs in different countries and regions, market conditions and cultural difference between online WOM effect is different. Because of the different growth environment and social concept, the originators and receivers of E-WOM have some difference between reputation receiving, screening, comment and trust degree, which leads the influencing degree about consumer affected by E-WOM also different.

At present, social media on the Internet are varied, feature rich, and in constant retreat into a new. These platforms give Internet users the latest and hottest information, but also change their way to live and make friends. E-WOM is the most characteristic form to express,which is influencing consumer behavior concepts from all the minor details.

This paper based on the similarities and differences of traditional word of mouth and Internet word of mouse,and combined with social media features makes a literature review. Secondly defines and classifies three typical social medias,and analysis how they affect consumers. Thirdly Proofs theory with examples,and the comparison between each other. Finally Takes the seven step marketing law as a framework and gives some suggestions about marketing promotion to business.

Key words: Social media; word of mouse; consumer behavior; enterprise marketing

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究对象与问题 3

1.2.1 研究对象 3

1.2.2 研究问题 3

1.3 研究意义与方案 4

1.4论文框架 4

第二章 文献综述与理论概述 6

2.1 口碑对消费者行为影响 6

2.1.1 传统口碑综述 6

2.1.2 传统口碑影响综述 7

2.2 社会化媒体口碑影响现状 9

2.2.1 社会化媒体综述 9

2.2.2 网络口碑综述 9

2.2.3 传统口碑与网络口碑异同点 10

2.2.4 社会化媒体口碑影响综述 11

第三章 社会化媒体口碑实例分析 12

3.1 社区型媒体口碑对消费者影响 12

3.1.1 社区型社会化媒体 12

3.1.2 社区型口碑对消费者影响:电影市场 13

3.1.3 案例:《大圣归来》口碑与票房分析 14

3.2 社交型媒体口碑对消费者影响 16

3.2.1 社交型社会化媒体 16

3.2.2 社交型媒体口碑对消费者影响:在线图书市场 17

3.2.3案例:《小时代》图书口碑营销 18

3.3 点评型媒体口碑对消费者影响 19

3.3.1 点评型社会化媒体 19

3.3.2 点评型口碑对消费者影响:在线酒店市场 20

3.3.3案例:桔子水晶酒店点评口碑 21

第四章 结论与展望 24

4.1 研究结论 24

4.2对商家的建议 24

4.2.1 营销七步框架法 24

4.3研究局限性与展望 26

参考文献 27

致 谢 29

第一章 绪论



1.1 研究背景

2016年1月22日,中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)发布第37次《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》。《报告》显示,截至2015年12月,中国网民规模达6.88亿,互联网普及率达到50.3% [1],换而言之,中国每两人中就有一位是网民,可知网络对国人影响不言而喻。


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