
 2023-02-06 08:02


摘 要




Research on New Retail Model——Taking Hema Fresh as an Example


Since Mr. Ma in January 2016 in the cloud conference put forward the concept of "new retail", after a change in the retail industry began to spread in the whole world, electricity enterprises to expand the offline channels, part of the entity retail companies to develop online channels, retail activities continuously break and go beyond the boundary of the original, to the direction of the integration of online and offline, new retail as a new commercial retail battlefield, each big businesses are trying to grab more market share, however at Macy"s, Shake Handshandle Nets went bankrupt stores was forced to stop off at the same time, the Hema Fresh born but well-run, in full swing open one of the branches.

As a new concept, the theory and practice of new retail are not fruitful. This paper look back the development of retailing, analyzing the new retail the cause of the rise and development of the power, and the Hema Fresh born for the analysis of typical cases Hema Fresh born new retail model and effect, at the same time to compare the millet, the typical new Uniqlo, Suning store retail merchant"s business model, and analyzes the development of new retail in China is still the deficiencies and the restriction factor, also suggested that enterprise can rely on big data era background, reasonable and traditional enterprise strategic cooperation and improve their own customer relationship management, to enhance enterprise competitiveness for better development. This paper studies the new retail business model from theory and practice, which has certain practical and theoretical significance.

Keywords: New retail; Hema Fresh; Supply chain; Customer demand

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究内容及方法 1

1.3.1 研究方法 1

1.3.2 研究内容 2

第二章 新零售文献综述 3

2.1 新零售的概念 3

2.2 新零售的发展现状 4

2.3 研究内容及方法 4

第三章 新零售商业模式分析 5

3.1 零售业态演变趋势 5

3.1.1 传统零售业 5

3.1.2 网络零售业 5

3.1.3 新零售 5

3.2 传统零售、网络零售与新零售的对比零售 6

3.3 新零售的动因分析 6

第四章 盒马鲜生的新零售模式分析 10

4.1 盒马鲜生的线上线下高度融合的运营模式 10

4.2 盒马鲜生的新鲜每一刻的战略支撑 10

4.3 盒马鲜生的关键业绩指标及效果评估 11

4.4 盒马鲜生的新零售营销模式对我国零售业的启示 13

第五章 新零售模式的前景与发展趋势 14

5.1 典型企业的新零售实践 14

5.2 新零售发展面临的问题和制约因素分析 14

5.3 新零售未来发展路径探讨 15

5.3.1 与传统实体零售企业开展战略合作 15

5.3.2 加强客户关系管理 15

5.3.3 合理利用新兴科技 16

结 论 17

致 谢 18

参考文献 19

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景

2016年10月,阿里巴巴集团董事局主席马云在阿里云栖大会上首次提出了“线上 线下 物流”深度融合的新零售概念,引发了社会激烈讨论,各种言论褒贬不一。有人说这不过是在炒概念,没有什么可操作的新东西;有人说这是网络零售发展遭遇“天花板”故不得不拓宽线下渠道的一种自救之举;有人则认为新零售是零售业态由价格消费向价值消费转变的革命[1]。一大批企业纷纷尝试在新零售领域拓展新的商业板块,甚至试图采取烧钱换市场的策略来挖掘消费者。

梅西百货中国行政总裁Dustin Jones曾公开发表言论道:“不管在中国要投放多少的资源,不管需要多久的时间,我们都必须在中国扎根,我们都不会放弃。”而仅开设一年多,梅西百货在中国的电商尝试就惨遭折戟,中国官网、天猫店纷纷宣布关停。据《联商网》不完全统计,2018年有15家电商及新零售企业停止运营,这些企业或破产或业务转型或被其他企业收购。GoGo小超、七只考拉、131便利店由于资金链断裂而倒闭,飞牛网、美图电商业务转型调整,玛莎百货、TOPSHOP天猫店也已关停,各个领域诸多企业在资本“寒冬”下也一片凄凉。


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