
 2023-04-05 05:04


摘 要






The Research On The Influence Of Microblogging On College Students" Real Interpersonal Communication


Microblogging is born at the end of 2009, a social networking platform, in recent years, microblogging has been the rise of the potential role of popular microblogging student population contributed. Students debris more time, microblogging portability greatly facilitates the use of microblogging users, in the fierce competition of many social networking tools have made it progressively more people favorite to become the mainstream way of social networking. Microblogging rise among college students, college students brought new social way, college students to accept new things and a strong ability, it gives great impetus to the growth of micro-Bo. Microblogging social networking is a virtual social manner, For college students, it occupies Students reality interpersonal time, to some extent crowd out the scope of the reality of interpersonal communication, but it gives college students new social expansion of the range, breaking the reality interpersonal circle restrictions, while micro-Bo can become a reality interpersonal assistance, its role more and more, for college students the proper use of microblogging is very necessary.

The rise of social microblogging like wildfire out of control, microblogging and now everyone is already aware of a social networking tool, how good it is to master the use of techniques to seize advantage of microblogging, microblogging attention disadvantages of contemporary college students use the microblogging process needs to master the skills. Study how it affects relationships through virtual reality is the role of the network, which studies the ideological ways and means conducive to consider the issue. Help to improve university education.

Microblogging social networking is a new social networking, the rise is a benefit or useless circles divided. Through a questionnaire survey method for college students microblogging usage, as well as micro-blog real interpersonal produce what kind of impact surveys and statistics, impact of micro-blogging social College Students reality interpersonal produced for research and summarized in many ways discussion.

It referred to herein are all microblogging Sina Weibo, Sina Weibo currently accepted by the masses of the higher maximum number of users, such as other microblogging Tencent microblogging, microblogging Netease, Sohu Weibo temporarily absent consideration of this article Inside.

KEYWORDS:Microblogging; College students;Reality; Interpersonal communication


摘 要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究的意义 1

1.3 研究的方法综述 2

1.4 全文结构框架 2

第二章文献综述 3

2.1微博传播属于人际关系传播 3

2.2微博社交的特点 3

2.3网络环境下的大学生人际交往 4

第三章 当代大学生现实人际交往的问题分析 5

3.1大学生人际关系的相关概念界定 5

3.1.1人际交往的理论渊源 5

3.1.2大学生人际关系的类型 6

3.2大学生现实人际交往存在的问题 6

3.2.1人际交往中缺乏人际交往价值取向的正确判断能力 6

3.2.2人际交往过程中习惯以自我为中心,自我封闭 6

3.2.3 人际交往中自卑心理 7

3.2.4 人际关系的虚拟化 7

3.3 大学生人际交往的影响因素 7

3.3.1家庭因素 7

3.3.2教育因素 7

第四章 微博社交现状 9

4.1 问卷设计 9

4.2 问卷研究的内容 11

4.3 数据分析 11

4.3.1 描述性分析 11

4.3.2 调查结论 14

第五章 微博对大学生现实人际交往的影响 16

5.1微博对大学生人际交往的正面效应 16

5.1.1提高了大学生的人际认知能力 16

5.1.2扩大了大学生的人际交往范围 16

5.2 微博对大学生人际交往的负面效应 16

5.2.1 弱化了大学生的现实交往能力 16

5.2.2 削弱了大学生人际交往的信任度 17

5.2.3 影响了大学生健康人格的发展 17

5.3 应对微博对人际交往负面效应的策略 17

5.3.1政府介入对微博的管制 17

5.3.2学校多提供人际交往平台 18

结束语 19

致谢 20

参考文献(References) 21

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景

当今社会是建立在互联网络上的社会,每天的都可能有新的网络社交工具诞生,网络社交工具是现代信息技术的发展和互联网时代互联网产品快速更新的产物,网络社交工具一定程度体现了时代潮流的涌向和互联网市场的随机性特征。这些新的社交网络工具有简单易学,使用方便,涉及范围广等优点,在现代社会中,各种社交网络工具开始出现在人们的日常生活里并发挥着越来越重要的作用,改变着人们的生活习惯和交流方式。2015年7月中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC中国互联网络信息中心)刊登的《互联网在中国的发展情况第36届统计报告》一文中指出 “我国互联网用户达到了6.06亿,比去年全年增加了1850万人,其中包括了5.4亿手机用户,占网民总数的90.8%,我国网民人口众多,网民人数增加速度,很多社交网站正在日益成熟,有的网络社交工具已经成为一种流行的社交方式并致力于为社会创造服务,这些社交工具逐步占领了中国社交网络的一席之地。



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