
 2023-02-10 09:02


摘 要



Research on The Present Situation, Problems And Countermeasures of Suqian City "Rural Taobao"


Rural market is an important part of China"s socialist market economy system, is the largest and most potential market in our country, and it is also the main battlefield to enlarge domestic demand. With the development of global economic integration, the contradiction between the big market and small production in Jiangsu"s agriculture is becoming more and more obvious. As a new business model, rural e-commerce not only provides an important platform for the construction of new socialist countryside, but also provides a starting point for our country to solve the problem of "H-agriculture", and accelerates the transformation of rural development mode under the new economic normality, and provides more mature programs.

The development of rural electronic commerce in Jiangsu is still in its infancy, facing the problems such as small scale of industrial clusters, low level of brand benefit, increasing homogeneity competition, uneven development of regions, lack of well-known enterprise platform and defects in evaluation system, the development of rural industrialization and agricultural modernization has not played a proper role in promoting. Practice has proved that only relying on market mechanisms to solve these problems, it appears that the force is not the same. It is precisely because of this failure of the market, the development of rural e-commerce must be government regulation and participation. Taking the basic theory of electronic commerce as the starting point, based on the development of rural electronic commerce in Jiangsu Province, in view of the problems faced in the development, from four aspects, such as government support, guarantee system, professional talents and ecological construction, the main factors restricting the development of rural electric power industry are analyzed, and combined with the actual situation in Jiangsu, the policy support and guidance, Promoting the production and standardization process of agricultural product scale, improve the logistics system of agricultural products, cultivate rural e-commerce professionals, electric business Village "work as the hand to lead the development, integration and use of other ways to promote development," six aspects, more systematically and comprehensively put forward to accelerate the development of rural E-commerce in Jiangsu Province, and strive to form their own characteristics and bright spots, It provides some reference for the development planning and government decision of Jiangsu Rural electric business. 

Key words: Suqian; Rural Taobao; Restrictive Factors; Development Countermeasures

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 2

1.3 研究内容及方法 3

1.4 论文框架 3

第二章 相关文献综述(或者相关理论) 5

第三章 “农村淘宝”的含义及其发展演变 8

3.1 农村淘宝的含义 8

3.2 农村淘宝的出台背景 8

3.3 农村淘宝的发展演变 8

3.4 农村淘宝合伙人选择条件以及盈利机制 9

第四章 宿迁市“农村淘宝”发展现状及主要问题分析 11

4.1 宿迁市“农村淘宝”产生背景 11

4.2 宿迁市“农村淘宝”发展现状 11

4.2.1 宿迁农村淘宝的发展基础 11

4.2.2 宿迁农村淘宝的基本概况 12

4.3 宿迁市“农村淘宝”发展中存在的问题 13

4.3.1 发展规模小 13

4.3.2 缺乏专业人才 14

4.4 宿迁市农村淘宝发展中存在问题的成因 14

4.4.1 农民思想观念守旧 14

4.4.2 缺乏体验式购物 15

4.4.3 物流体系不完善 15

第五章 国内先进地区发展“农村淘宝”的先进经验 15

5.1 浙江桐庐村淘发展的经验 15

5.2 明星村点村淘发展的经验 16

5.2.1 O2O模式创新 16

5.2.2 基于服务站模式的增值服务 16

5.2.3 口碑式宣传 17

5.3 共性经验及结合宿迁市实际借鉴 17

第六章 推动宿迁市“农村淘宝”发展的政策建议 18

6.1 加强政府层面宏观调控 18

6.1.1 政府的现行做法 18

6.1.2 加强政府宏观调控 18

6.2推动企业的战略部署 19

6.3增强村淘合伙人自我调控的能力 19

6.3.1 村淘合伙人严格要求自己,增强业务能力 19

6.3.2 紧跟政府政策,不断创新发展 20

6.3.3 紧跟阿里战略体系,增强与其他企业合作能力 20

结 论 21

致 谢 22

参考文献(References) 23

附录一:农村电子商务发展影喃因素调查问卷(村民) 24

附录二:农村电子商务发展影响因素调查问卷(店主/网商) 27

第一章 绪 论

随着电子商务的普及, 大中型城市市场日趋饱和, 分销商向农村地区转变市场方向, 农村地区成为经济发展更快。2016,阿里研究所发表相关研究报告, 由淘宝村的数量和分布情况, 截至2016年8月底, 是在中国淘宝村共1311个 , 分布于18个省市, 淘宝城也突破了 100, 共135个, 其中浙江、广东、江苏等都名列前茅。[[1]]2016年8月底, 阿里巴巴在中国东北和中西部发现了25个淘宝村。淘宝农村项目的实施, 使村民的生活方式发生了很大的变化, 但同时项目的发展也发现了一定的瓶颈。通过对村淘宝项目合作伙伴的调查和对淘宝的经营, 分析了什么反映了持续项目的影响和不断发展的不利因素, 并提出了建议特定.

1.1 研究背景

据阿里巴巴官方统计,截至 2015 年 7 月,全国范围内以县为统计单位,将本地产品通过电子商务渠道进行销售且当年总额超过亿元大关的县(县级市)超过 300 个。值得注意的是,做为中原经济区核心省份的河南省首次上榜。如图 1 所示,近三年全国网购总额分别为 1.85 万亿、2.8 万亿、4 万亿,其中农村网购额分别为 1591 亿、1800亿、3500 亿。可以看出,农村网购总额的占比持续增长,且增长率远高于全国总体水平。


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