无人零售店用户体验影响因素分析 ——以苏宁体育Biu为例

 2023-02-10 09:02


摘 要





Analysis of User Experience of Unattended Retail Stores - Take Suning Sport Biu as An Example


Unattended retail is a new type of business in the new retail market. It mainly uses the power of technology to help the development of retail industry and enter the market with differentiated advantage. As a new mode of consumption, unretail has satisfied the consumption demand of different users, and the unattended retail store will become an important channel of shopping in the future. Therefore, enhancing the user experience of unmanned stores is of great significance to the long-term development of unretail.

In this paper, draw lessons from the past relevant viewpoints of scholars on the user experience both at home and abroad, combined with the actual unmanned research situation of retail stores, established the influence factor model of user experience, no one retailer is divided into four major factors including brand, usability, content and functionality, under the four main factors also contains sub factors. On this basis, explore the impact of the above factors on the user experience of the unattended retail store.

Based on the empirical analysis, this paper concludes that the brand, content and functionality have a significant impact on the user experience of the unattended retail stores, while the usability impact is not significant. On the basis of the research conclusions, the development proposals of unattended retail stores on human computer interaction, commodity price, brand, shopping technology and operation process are put forward.

Keywords: New retail; Unattended retail; user experience; influencing factor

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的和意义 1

1.3 研究方法 2

1.4 研究框架 2

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1 用户体验的内涵概述 4

2.2 无人零售的定义及分类 6

第三章 无人零售的发展现状及问题分析 6

3.1 无人零售的发展现状 7

3.2 无人零售目前存在的问题 8

第四章 无人零售店的用户体验影响因素 9

4.1 无人零售店用户体验的影响因素 9

4.1.1 品牌 9

4.1.2 可用性 9

4.1.3 内容 10

4.1.4 功能性 10

4.2 研究模型 10

4.3 研究假设 11

第五章 实证分析 13

5.1 苏宁体育Biu简介 13

5.2 问卷设计和数据收集 13

5.2.1 问卷设计 13

5.2.2 数据收集 14

5.3 数据分析 14

5.3.1 基本信息描述分析 14

5.3.2 各维度信度检验分析 17

5.3.3 相关分析 18

5.3.4 线性回归分析 22

第六章 结论与建议 28

6.1 研究结论 28

6.2 发展建议 29

6.3 研究的局限性 29

致 谢 30

参考文献(References) 31

附录 32

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景

无人零售店目前还处于新兴阶段,各种不同流派技术、形态各异的无人零售店纷纷涌现。从国外的无人零售先驱者亚马逊创造出一个从未有过的概念Amazon Go到我国的缤果盒子在上海诞生再到阿里巴巴旗下的“淘咖啡”在杭州开张,一时间“无人零售”受到无数资本的关注和追捧。一个全新的零售模式正在席卷各个角落。

图1.1 无人零售市场交易额预测图


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