
 2022-12-07 11:12


摘 要





Research on the Layout of Rail Transit Station Connecting Facilities and the Evaluation of Service Quality


In recent years, with the improvement of national development level, the problem of traffic congestion can not be solved, so vigorously develop rail transit has become the best choice. Rail transit has become one of the most popular modes of travel in China due to its advantages such as large capacity, fast speed, high reliability and environmental protection. However, due to the fact that the rail transit has a huge cost and is difficult to be changed once it is constructed, the rail transit line needs careful planning. As the main traffic of the city, the accessibility of rail transit is poor, so it needs to connect with other modes of transportation to make up for its accessibility defects.

There are many factors that affect passengers' travel experience in the process of connecting, and connecting facilities are an indispensable one of them. The layout of the connections affects a range of senses of the passenger's journey, which in turn affects the experience. Therefore, the layout and evaluation of connection facilities is a subject worthy of study.

This paper mainly studies the impact of the layout of rail transit station access facilities on passenger travel, and evaluates the access facilities according to the satisfaction opinions of passengers, and then establishes a preliminary service quality evaluation index system.

Key words: rail transit station; Layout of connection facilities; Passenger satisfaction; Service evaluation index system


第一章 绪论 3

1.1 研究背景与意义 3

1.1.1 研究背景 3

1.1.2 研究意义 3

1.2 国内外研究现状 4

1.2.1 国内研究现状 4

1.2.2 国外研究现状 5

1.3 论文研究的主要内容 5

1.4 技术路线 5

第二章 轨道交通站点接驳设施研究基本概念 7

2.1 基本概念 7

2.1.1 接驳 7

2.1.2 换乘 7

2.1.3 满意度 7

2.1.4 服务质量指数 7

2.2 接驳方式与接驳设施分析 7

2.2.1 接驳方式 7

2.2.2 接驳设施 7

2.2.3 接驳设施服务质量评价指标 8

2.3 城市轨道交通站点接驳设施及其布局 8

2.3.1 接驳设施布局目的与原则 8

2.3.2 步行接驳设施布局 9

2.3.3 非机动车接驳设施布局 9

2.3.4 常规公交接驳设施布局 9

2.3.5 私家车接驳设施布局 9

2.3.6 出租车接驳设施布局 10

2.4 城市轨道交通站点接驳设施规模的影响因素 10

2.4.1 常规公交停靠特征对设施规模的影响 10

2.4.2 出租车停靠特征对设施规模的影响 10

2.4.3 私家车停靠特征对设施规模的影响 10

2.4.4 自行车停靠特征对设施规模的影响 11

2.5 本章小结 11

第三章 乘客满意度分析 12

3.1 乘客出行满意度调查数据分析 12

3..1 乘客出行接驳方式选择分析 12

3.1.2 步行接驳设施 13

3.1.3 非机动车接驳设施 14

3.1.4 常规公交接驳设施 15

3.1.5 私家车接驳设施 17

3.1.6 出租车接驳设施 18

3.2 本章小结 19

第四章 轨道交通接驳设施案例分析 21

4.1 接驳设施规模测算 21

4.1.1 步行空间的计算 21

4.1.2 自行车停车设施规模 21

4.1.3 常规公交测算 21

4.1.4 P R 停车场需求车位数计算 22

4.1.5 小汽车临时停车位计算 22

4.2 案例分析 22

4.2.1 东大成贤学院站 22

4.2.2 东大成贤学院站出入信息 22

4.2.3 东大成贤学院站接驳设施 23

4.2.4 东大成贤学院站接驳设施布局分析 23

4.2.5 东大成贤学院站接驳设施规模测算 24

4.3 本章小结 26

第五章 结论与展望 27

5.1 轨道交通站点接驳设施服务评价指标体系建立 27

5.2 结论与展望 28

5.2.1 结论 28

5.2.2 展望 28

致谢 29

参考文献 30

附录 31

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义

1.1.1 研究背景



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