
 2022-11-26 01:11


摘 要




Reliability study of conventional public transport stations


Nowadays, transportation is more and more closely related to people's travel. As an important part of transportation, bus plays an increasingly important role in people's travel life. At the same time, the planning of bus stops and bus routes has become the focus of traffic research. The reliability of bus stops has gradually become the focus of domestic transportation research.

This paper intends to study the reliability of bus stops. Through the analysis, we can see that the reliability of bus stops is closely related to the delay. If we want to improve the reliability of bus stops, reducing the delay is essential and extremely important. Therefore, this paper analyzes the reliability of conventional bus stop from the perspective of delay, and the key factors of bus stop delay are bus and passengers. Therefore, this paper divides the process of bus stop into three stages: deceleration process, bus stop process, that is, the process of passengers getting on and off the bus and the process of bus accelerating out of the station. This paper summarizes the three processes and finds out the factors that affect the bus delay from the three stages. Then, we investigate and analyze the main delay of bus stop and the time distribution of the three processes. Then from the three stages, this paper analyzes the optimization possibility of the influencing factors in each stage and puts forward the corresponding optimization scheme.

Key words: Reliability,Delay,Influencing factors,Optimum proposal


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3研究内容及技术路线 2

第二章 公交停靠站延误影响因素分析 4

2.1公交车进出停靠站过程分析 4

2.1.1进站过程分析 5

2.1.2停靠过程分析 5

2.1.3出站过程分析 5

2.2公交车乘客上下车分析 6

2.2.1公交车乘客上下车过程描述 6

2.2.2上车过程 6

2.2.3下车过程 7

2.3公交停靠站延误影响因素分析 8

2.3.1进站过程影响因素分析 8

2.3.2上车过程影响因素分析 9

2.3.3下车过程影响因素分析 13

2.3.4出站过程影响因素分析 14

2.4本章小结 15

第三章 公交停靠站延误调查与实例分析 17

3.1 公交停靠数据调查 17

3.1.1调查目的 17

3.1.2调查内容 17

3.1.3调查的时间段及地点 17

3.1.4调查方法 18

3.2调查数据分析 19

3.3公交车进出站及停靠时间分布特征 25

3.3.1公交车减速进站时间分布特征 25

3.3.2公交车停靠时间分布特征 26

3.3.3公交车加速离站时间分布特征 28

3.4本章小结 29

第四章 公交停靠站可靠性优化对策分析 30

4.1概述 30

4.2公交进出站阶段优化对策 30

4.3乘客上下车阶段优化对策 33

4.4.实例分析 35

4.4.1基本情况 35

4.4.2存在问题 36

4.4.3改善建议 36

4.5本章小结 37

第五章 结论与展望 38

5.1论文结论 38

5.2论文展望 38

致谢 39

参考文献(References) 40

第一章 绪论





计晓晰将公交车辆在线路上的运行分为路段行驶、交叉口通过、公交站点停靠三个阶段,分别针对各个阶段详细分析公交车的运行特性,进而得到不同阶段公交车辆运行的影响因素,公交车停靠因素,停靠站设置,乘客影响,周边交通影响等。最后从 VISSIM 仿真出发,在实例的基础上,加入交叉口运行时间预测,提出考虑交叉口的公交车到站时间的预测模型,并分析不同道路交通状况下模型的预测效果[1]


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