
 2022-02-15 10:02


摘 要





The Algorithmic Research of Travel Mode Detection Based On smartphone


With the rapid growth of traffic demand and the acceleration of urbanization, scientific and rational transportation planning and management has become the guarantee of improving urban traffic conditions and enhancing the level of residents’ happiness while traffic survey provides important references of traffic organization and planning for decision-making department. Traditional traffic survey, such as telephone interviews, questionnaires, etc., has defects such as high investigation cost, heavy workload, long data collection and processing cycle, deviated investigatory contents owing to participants’ subjective awareness and inaccuracies of the survey data. So, it has great practical significance to overcome the shortcomings of existing studies and seek alternative methods of travel survey.

In recent years, with the development of ICT technology and the popularity of smart phones, smartphone-based travel survey has become a rising concern of scholars, the recognition of travel mode being one of the core contents. In view of this, this study utilizes smartphones’ Global Positioning System (GPS) modules and related sensors to obtain individual travel behavior trajectories, apply artificial intelligence algorithm to mine the implied travel information in the collected data and then achieve the goal of identifying individual travel mode. The results can be used to provide data and technical support for geography, behavioral science, urban planning and traffic management study.

Around the research topic, this paper introduces a method for calculating the amount of sample on specific spatial and temporal scales, and then calculates the amount of sample required for this study based on this method; obtain the smartphone-based travel behavior track data through the formulation and implementation of the survey program; build the travel mode recognition algorithm in line with the characteristics of visual identification based on the Hidden Markov Model combined with the public transportation network and related auxiliary information; extract the parameter settings appropriate to travel mode split and logical decision rules. Thesis research shows that compared with no auxiliary data, the public transportation network and related information accuracy, although can only provide a minor upgrade for the recognition algorithm, but it has the benefit of further refinement on the travel information, so that the original algorithm in distinguishing bus travel and car travel could get a better recognition results.

Keywords: Smart Phones; Public Transportation Network; Hidden Markov; Mode Detection.

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1.研究背景及意义 1

1.2.国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1.国内研究现状 1

1.2.2.国外研究现状 3

1.2.3.现有成果总结 4

1.3.研究目标及内容 4

1.3.1.研究目标 4

1.3.2.研究内容 4

1.4.论文章节安排 5

第二章 基于智能手机的出行行为调查 7

2.1调查软件的介绍与使用 7

2.2调查方案设计与实施 8

2.2.1.确定调查样本量 8

2.2.2.人员安排与调查实施 9

2.3调查数据预处理 10

2.4本章小节 11

第三章 城市公交线网的构建与存储 12

3.1.路网的分区 12

3.2.路网信息的存储 13

3.2.1.点文件的存储 13

3.2.2.弧段文件的存储 14

3.2.3.道路线段的分区存储 15

3.3.本章小结 16

第四章 出行模式识别算法的实现与分析 17

4.1.隐马尔可夫模型的基本概念 17

4.1.1.隐马尔可夫模型定义及其三要素 17

4.1.2.速度区间序列的生成过程 18

4.1.3.基于监督的学习算法 19

4.1.4.隐马尔可夫预测算法 19

4.1.5.算法过程: 20

4.1.6.算法步骤: 20

4.2.公交线路匹配 21

4.2.1.线路匹配示例 21

4.2.2.站点匹配 21

4.3.算法识别结果与精确性评价 23

4.4.本章小结 24

第五章 结论与展望 25

5.1 主要结论 25

5.2 研究展望 25

致谢 27

参考文献 28

附录:部分C#程序代码 30

第一章 绪论

    1. 研究背景及意义




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