
 2022-01-27 02:01


摘 要







With the development of economy in China, the expansion of city area and the aggregation of population in city, existing urban roads already cannot meet the rapidly growing demand for private cars, and the main way to solve this problem is to develop public transport. However, the city's public transport services is not high enough at present. Because the travelers get traffic information from a way that convey single and limited content, that leads to a low rate of public transport share. In this paper, in order to solve the problem that the level of information service is not high, a survey to willingness taking buses of travelers who are in different parts of metropolitan in Nanjing is made, and analysis the choices of demand of travel information and information release devices, then know about the preference of these two, finally come up with the design idea, which can contribute to the building of public information service system.

Analysis of demand of travel information and choice of information release devices is made in two aspects: one is, through cross-analysis of statistical data, obtaining the differences of demand of travel information and choice of information release devices, and the preference of travel information and information release devices of travelers who have different attributions, providing design basis of personalized information release. Another is, through correlation analysis by the use of SPSS software for travel information and information release devices two variables, obtaining preferable information for all travelers through various information release devices, in order to optimize popularity information manner of publication. Combining of these two conclusions, we can get basic framework of public information service system content, but because of the popularity of the Internet and mobile phones, and also need to study these two ways. Combinations, such as mobile applications, text messaging platform are relatively new and popular access to information for travelers. This article also describes the design of these two ways.

Through studying the choice preference of travelers’ demand of travel information and choices of information release devices, provide a theoretical basis for the construction of a reasonable and effective public information service system, and promote the rational allocation of urban transportation resources, improve the public transport system overall operational capability and level of service.

Key words: System design; public transportation; travel information; information release devices; public information service system


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 国内外公交信息服务研究现状 2

1.2.1 整体系统框架研究 2

1.2.2 关键技术研究 3

1.3 研究内容 3

第二章 公共交通出行信息内容基本特征 5

2.1 公共交通出行信息需求 5

2.2 信息发布方式 6

2.3 本章小结 7

第三章 公交出行信息需求调查分析 8

3.1 公交乘客出行意向分析 8

3.1.1 调查样本的选择 8

3.1.2 出行信息需求调查结果分析 8

3.2 属性差异对出行信息需求及信息发布方式选择的影响 11

3.2.1 自然属性差异对出行信息服务的影响 11

3.2.2 特殊属性差异对出行信息服务的影响 14

3.3 属性差异下出行信息需求及信息发布方式选择偏好的结论 16

3.3.1 不同属性的出行信息需求偏好排名 16

3.3.2 不同属性的信息发布方式偏好排名 17

3.4 本章小结 18

第四章 属性、出行信息及信息发布方式间的相关性分析 19

4.1 相关性分析理论基础 19

4.2 属性与出行信息和信息发布方式的相关性分析 20

4.2.1 属性与出行信息的相关性分析 20

4.2.2属性与信息发布方式的相关性分析 23

4.2.3 相关分析分析结果总结 25

4.3 出行信息与信息发布方式的相关性分析 25

4.3.1 出行信息与主要信息发布方式的相关性分析 25

4.3.2出行信息与补充信息发布方式的相关性分析 26

4.4 本章小结 27

第五章 个性化出行信息需求下公交信息服务系统设计 28

5.1 公交信息服务框架概述 28

5.2 设计分析 29

5.2 系统内容设计 30

5.2.1 大众化信息服务系统内容设计 31

5.2.2 个性化信息服务系统内容设计 32

5.3本章小结 34

第六章 结论及展望 35

参考文献 37

附录I 38

  1. 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义

1.1.1 研究背景

随着南京经济的迅猛发展,城市的规模也随之扩大。截至2014年底,南京常住人口已达到821.61万人。人口的增加必然带动城市内机动车发展,据统计,2015年机动车保有量将超过200万。虽然机动车的增长可以给南京市民的出行带来便利,提高生活质量,但事实与之相反:现有的城市路网以及交通管理系统并未适应急剧增长的机动车数量,供需的不平衡导致了日益严重的交通拥堵;机动车的尾气是PM2.5的主源,大量汽车的尾气排放污染了空气。面对以上的问题,通过增建道路以满足汽车交通需求的传统交通管理已不再适用。20世纪70年代,人们提出交通需求管理(Traffic Demand Management, TDM)。交通需求管理策略指出:如果交通需求总量基本确定,城市的交通方式结构就成了道路资源利用程度和交通拥挤的决定因素。由此可知,加强公共交通的吸引力,将大量的个人交通变为高效、节能的公共交通,可以降低道路上机动车交通量,改善交通状况[1]


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