
 2022-07-12 09:07


摘 要








Because of the particularity of the freeway exit ramps in traffic flow characteristics and alignment design, the exit ramps have great potential safety hazard. Unreasonable design may lead to the increase of traffic conflict points and the reduction of safety performance in the highway diverging area.

In order to provide scientific, rational and targeted suggestions for current domestic standards, a series of works have been carried out.

First, Chinese and foreign standards of the freeway exit ramp design are interpreted and compared. From the aspects of design methods, design parameters, traffic capacity analysis and LOS determination, the deficiencies of domestic norms are pointed out, such as self-contradictory design standards, narrow range of parameters, the confusion of the capacity formula and the unclear procedure of the LOS determination.

Secondly, based on the measured data, the accident risk models of highway and exit ramp are established, and the effects of various factors on the safety of exit ramps are quantitatively analyzed. Compared with the whole highway, the characteristics of accident types and accident severity of exit ramps are pointed out. And the impact of the characteristics of the road geometry, traffic flow, weather environment and personal factors are pointed out.

Finally, the analysis of the accident characteristics and the risk factors of the ramp on the ramp is compared and analyzed. In combination with the contents of the second and the third chapters, the suggestions for the improvement of the method and the parameter-correction of the ramp design in China are put forward in combination with the contents of the second and the third chapters.

Key words: highway exit ramp; standards; accident risk model; optimization recommendation

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 1

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 2

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国外出口匝道事故研究现状 2

1.2.2 国内出口匝道事故研究现状 4

1.3 研究内容及技术路线 7

1.3.1 主要研究内容 7

1.3.2 技术路线 8

第二章 中美出口匝道规范标准对比分析 9

2.1 设计参数与设计方法的国内外规范对比 10

2.1.1 出口匝道类型与实例 10

2.1.2 出口匝道设计要素 11

2.1.3 出口匝道横断面设计 16

2.1.4 出口匝道分流区设计 17

2.1.5 出口匝道减速车道设计 19

2.2 通行能力与服务水平的国内外规范对比 20

2.2.1 服务水平标准 20

2.2.2 计算方法差异 21

2.2.3 与其他不同规范的通行能力分析比较 26

2.3 本章小结 26

第三章 基于实测数据的事故风险预测模型对比应用分析 27

3.1 原理简述 28

3.1.1 比例检验 28

3.1.2 广义线性模型(GLM) 28

3.2 数据获取与特征分析 29

3.2.1 数据来源简介 29

3.2.2 数据特征分析 29

3.3 变量选取与解释 33

3.4 模型建立及结果分析 35

3.4.1 高速公路事故风险模型 35

3.4.2 出口匝道事故风险模型 39

3.5 本章小结 42

第四章 出口匝道优化设计 44

4.1 匝道类型与路面特征 44

4.2 减速车道长度 44

4.3 交通流组成 45

4.4 运行速度估算 45

4.5 本章小结 46

第五章 结论 47

5.1 结论 47

5.2 创新点 48

5.3 展望 48

致 谢 50

参考文献 51

附 录 54

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义

1.1.1 研究背景

在“一带一路”的大背景下,我国的高速公路正迎来新一轮的发展机遇,高速公路的通车里程正逐年增加。根据交通运输部相关统计,截止 2017 年底,高速公路通车里程达到 13.1 万公里,居世界首位。“四个交通”的概念被提出:智慧交通、绿色交通、综合交通、平安交通,将交通安全摆在了重要位置。



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