
 2022-07-12 09:07


摘 要






As the basis of traffic control, traffic status identification provides road traffic information for travelers, and also provides references for traffic management departments.

In this paper, we study the traffic state identification under the Intelligent network connection system. Different from traditional methods of traffic information collection, information collection under the car networking is not through the fixed-point method such as coil method, but the use of vehicle device of the vehicle to collect information. Through the literature review of various traffic information and data collection methods, this paper compares the development and application of network car information collection technology in traffic status discrimination at home and abroad. The data of network car is preprocessed and processed by the intelligent terminal to obtain the road traffic condition. Vehicle mounted satellite positioning devices share traffic information, providing decision basis and reference for travelers and management departments, improving travel efficiency and improving road capacity This paper studies the traffic state identification parameters selection, this paper introduced the methods of dealing with the traffic data, and discusses how to carry out abnormal repair of satellite data, and the data after repair match the electronic map.

This paper introduces the highway traffic status identification method. By studying the identification methods of traffic states in the past, the boundary between different traffic states is not clear. In view of this, this paper proposes a analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy discrimination method combining the traffic state identification method. After the establishment of the expressway traffic identification model, this paper uses the software VISSIM to simulate and simulate the model, which verifies the accuracy and practicability of the model.

KEY WORDS: expressway; Traffic status identification; Data acquisition; The simulation verification

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景和意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1国外研究现状 2

1.2.2国内研究现状 3

1.3本文研究内容和技术路线 3

1.3.1研究内容 3

1.3.2 技术路线 4

第二章 基于车联网数据识别交通状态的理论基础 5

2.1 车联网交通信息采集系统的构成 5

2.2卫星定位系统原理——以GPS为例 5

2.2.1 GPS概述 6

2.2.2 GPS定位原理 8

2.2.3 GPS测速原理 8

2.2.4 车载GPS采集交通信息的原理 8

2.3 交通状态的量化标准 8

2.4 交通状态判别模型 9

2.4.1交通参数的选取 9

2.4.2基于浮动车的参数指标估计 10

2.5本章小结 12

第三章 车联网环境下的交通参数采集和处理 13

3.1 交通信息的采集和处理流程 13

3.2 动态交通数据的预处理 13

3.2.1 丢失数据和错误数据的识别 13

3.2.2 异常交通数据的修复 14

3.3 交通数据的滤波 15

3.4 交通地理信息系统 15

3.4.1 交通数据与电子地图的匹配 16

3.5 本章小结 16

第四章 基于模糊判别与层次分析的交通状态判别建模 17

4.1 交通流概述 17

4.2 交通状态的划分 17

4.3 传统交通状态识别方法 18

4.3.1 基于行驶时间的识别方法 18

4.3.2 基于行驶速度的识别方法 19

4.4 模糊推理判断模型 20

4.4.1基本步骤 21

4.4.2评价因素集的建立 22

4.4.3评价结果集的建立 23

4.4.4 隶属函数的确定 23

4.4.5 权重向量的确定 25

4.4.6 判别模型的建立 25

4.5 本章小结 27

第五章 基于VISSIM的模拟仿真验证 28

5.1 道路交通状态模拟仿真与验证 28

5.1.1VISSIM模拟仿真道理建立 28

5.1.2仿真参数的设置 29

5.1.3设置判断检测器的参数 30

5.1.4 模拟仿真分析与验证 30

5.2 本章小结 33

总结与展望 34

参考文献 35

致 谢 37

附录 38

  1. 绪论





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