
 2022-07-12 09:07


摘 要





Since the fast speed, large capacity and strong reliability of the subway, it has attracted large passenger flow. However, with the continuous growth of passengers, it occurs bottlenecks, which needs the ground public transport with high service level to divert the pressure of the subway bottleneck section. In recent years, a new mode of demand responsive public transport system, known as customized bus, has been developed gradually, which provides personalized, flexible and door-to-door public transport service. However, the requirement acquisition procedure in the existing service design process depends on online survey and has many disadvantages. Based on subway smart card data and the data of bicycles and stated preference survey, a method of design the customized bus service in the bottleneck of the subway was provided. The present work solves the problem of identifying the demand of the customized bus, and offers a way to alleviate the subway passenger flow pressure.

Firstly, according to the bottleneck identification based on the passenger flow saturation of the subway network, the main characteristics of passengers in the subway bottleneck section was analyzed. Then, a subway about whether the subway passenger will turn to the customized bus was carried out in the bottleneck section. The Logistic Regression analysis figured out the influence of the time, the fare and the total number of stops about the subway passenger transfer to the custom bus. And the transfer probability under different service schemes was obtained. Then, a customized bus service design method based on travel demand clustering is proposed. An improved DBSCAN algorithm to cluster the actual travel demand of the subway passengers in the bottleneck area. Based on the result of demand clustering, the main customized bus line and its general trunk were extracted. The passengers' real origin or destination were obtained by the data of bike-sharing system, which finally determined the stations of customized bus. In addition, based on the results of demand clustering and the transfer probability of corresponding lines, an alternative timetable is scheduled. Finally, by clustering demand of smart card data in the bottleneck section of the Nanjing Metro, Maqun Line was taken as an example to show the specific line design and timetable schedule.

KEY WORDS: Travel demand clustering, Customized bus design, Subway bottleneck


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景及研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 地铁瓶颈研究现状 1

1.2.2 定制公交研究现状 3

1.3 研究内容及技术路线 6

第二章 地铁服务能力瓶颈区段客流特征 8

2.1 研究对象 8

2.1.1 南京市地铁网络 8

2.1.2 南京市早高峰地铁瓶颈区段 10

2.2 地铁瓶颈区段客流特征分析 11

2.2.1 数据处理 11

2.2.2 客流特征分析结果 15

2.3 本章小结 20

第三章 地铁乘客向定制公交转移意向分析 21

3.1 地铁乘客向定制公交转移意向调查 21

3.1.1 调查方法介绍 21

3.1.2 调查方案设计 22

3.1.3 调查结果分析 23

3.2 地铁乘客向定制公交转移意向模型 25

3.2.1 Logistic回归模型简介 26

3.2.2 地铁向定制公交转移意向的Logistic回归 28

3.3 不同服务方案下地铁乘客转移概率 31

3.4 本章小结 34

第四章 基于需求聚类的定制公交服务设计方法 35

4.1 定制公交服务设计流程 35

4.2 地铁瓶颈区段出行需求聚类 36

4.2.1 聚类算法比较 36

4.2.2 改进的DBSCAN算法 37

4.2.3 基于改进的DBSCAN算法的地铁乘客出行需求聚类 39

4.3 基于需求聚类的定制公交线路设计和时刻表编制方法 40

4.3.1 定制公交线路设计 40

4.3.2 定制公交时刻表编制 43

4.4 本章小结 46

第五章 案例研究 47

5.1 地铁瓶颈区段乘客出行需求聚类 47

5.2 定制公交线路设计(马群线) 49

5.3 定制公交时刻表编制(马群线) 54

5.4 本章小结 58

第六章 总结与展望 59

6.1 主要研究成果 59

6.2 主要创新点 61

6.3 下一步研究工作展望 61

致谢 62

参考文献 63

附录A 65

附录B 67

第一章 绪论

1.1 选题背景及研究意义



1.2 国内外研究现状

1.2.1 地铁瓶颈研究现状

瓶颈通常指一个整体系统里的关键限制因素,一般是某个流程中节拍最慢的环节或者节点[1]。对于轨道交通网络而言,当线路或区间的断面客流满载率超过 100%的时候,说明客流量较大,超过了该线路或区间的服务能力,成为地铁网络中的服务能力瓶颈区段[2]。关于地铁瓶颈理论的研究,目前国内外学者主要从微观(车站)和宏观(网络)两方面展开:


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