
 2023-04-15 09:04


摘 要




Application research of using improved risk ranking and filtering tool to analysis the quality control risk during injection production


Because the injection does its work by being injected directly into the blood system, they may quickly cause a series of adverse drug reactions which makes them a special kind of dosage form comparing to other dosage forms. As the dosage form which has the most adverse drug reactions affairs, the injection will be required to have higher quality standards. So the injection will have higher quality risk at the same time. In the process of injection production, it is necessary to use some methods and tools of risk management to recognize and control the quality risk which has already exist or will appear. For it will not only to maintain the quality of the product by prevention of risk instead of process control or inspection control, but also help the enterprises to allocate resources reasonably to prevent risk events which will makes the maximum management benefits. And what the most important is that it will guarantee the quality of injection to make sure the medication safety of patients.

In this paper, I take the final sterilization technology of small capacity injection for example to discusses the sterile control of the risk management in each production link and identify and evaluate each risk factor of injection production through five aspects of the personnel, equipment, materials, production process and clean environment. And in this paper I improved the traditional risk ranking matrix by Borda rank method to built a new model. The enterprises will know the risks existing in the production process quantitatively and qualitatively by the analysis and calculation of the scientific risk ranking model which will help them determine the priority to deal with the risk events in production process. So they can make the maximum management benefits by controlling the risk of production process to guarantee the medication safety of patients.

Key words: Injection; Risk management; Risk ranking and selection; Sterile control


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 注射剂生产风险管理现状 1

1.2 国外风险管理的发展和相关法规 1

1.3 我国GMP对注射剂生产的相关法规 1

1.4 选择风险管理工具 2

1.5 论文选题意义及创新点 2

第二章 注射剂生产无菌控制的关键风险因子 3

2.1 人 员 3

2.1.1人员培训 3

2.1.2 人员卫生 3

2.1.3 无菌操作人员数量 3

2.1.4 非生产人员的进入 3

2.2 设 备 4

2.2.1 设备的选型、安装 4

2.2.2 设备清洗和消毒 4

2.2.3 设备SOP 4

2.3 物 料 4

2.3.1 原辅料质量 4

2.3.2 包装材料 4

2.4 生产过程控制 5

2.4.1 洗瓶、吹瓶 5

2.4.2 配制、过滤 5

2.4.3 注射剂灌封 5

2.4.4 工艺用水 5

2.4.5 注射剂灭菌 5

2.5 洁净环境 6

2.5.1 无菌生产环境的设计 6

2.5.2 空调系统的维护和监测 6

2.5.3 洁净区清洁消毒 6

第三章 常用的风险排序方法 7

3.1 常用的风险排序方法 7

3.1.1 蒙特卡罗模拟法 7

3.1.2 德尔菲法 7

3.1.3层次分析法 7

3.2 风险排序矩阵概述 7

3.3 风险排序矩阵局限 9

第四章 改进风险排序及筛选模型 10

4.1 改进方法的比较与选择 10

4.2 Borda序值法概述 10

4.3 建立数学模型 10

第五章 实证研究 12

5.1 新模型应用示范 12

5.2 新模型的评价及总结 14

第六章 课题总结与展望 15

6.1 总 结 15

6.2 展 望 15

谢 辞 16

参考文献(References) 17

第一章 绪 论

1.1 注射剂生产风险管理现状



1.2 国外风险管理的发展和相关法规



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