
 2022-01-31 09:01


摘 要

41112110 成瑶


Foxg1是一个端脑持续而特异性表达的转录抑制因子。海马是哺乳动物大脑边缘系统重要的一部分,它参与学习记忆相关的信息编辑,与众多的神经疾病如阿尔兹海默症、抑郁症、癫痫等有着密切的联系。海马齿状回是端脑中神经发生的重要区域,其早期的命运决定机制目前尚不明确。从小鼠齿状回发育早期直到成年Foxg1表达都很强,提示其在齿状回发育中有着重要意义。我们前期的研究结果表明,Foxg1可以在神经前体细胞内进行条件性敲除,我们观察到皮质神经元的命运部分转变为Cajal-Retzius (CR)细胞,进一步研究我们发现皮层大部分神经元转变为海马齿状回颗粒细胞,提示Foxg1可能在海马发育过程中调控DG颗粒细胞的命运。

为了深入研究Foxg1在DG颗粒细胞命运决定中的作用,我们通过药物诱导实现在神经前体细胞中定时定点条件性敲除Foxg1 ,并通过海马颗粒细胞的标记物进而检测海马神经元命运的变化。DG颗粒细胞的神经发生最早开始于E10天,我们诱导敲除Foxg1的时间点选在E10.5、E12.5、E14.5天,在E18.5天进行解析,对与海马DG颗粒细胞发育相关的信号分子以及转录因子进行检测。我们的研究结果表明皮质发育早期敲除Foxg1会抑制DG颗粒细胞命运。最后我们还初步探究了Foxg1与背侧中线信号Wnt和Bmp的相互作用机制,这可能是Foxg1调控DG颗粒细胞命运的关键。


The mechanism of Foxg1 in regulating DG granular cell fate


41112110 Cheng Yao

Counselor: Zhao Chunjie

Foxg1,served as a brain specific transcriptional inhibitor,is specific expressed in telencephalon from embryonic stage to adult. Hippocampus, an important part of the cerebral limbic systemin mammals,is associated with information editing in learning and memory and closely linked to myriads of never diseases such as alzheimer's disease(AD), depression, epilepsy and so on. The dentate gyrus (DG) is an important organization of the telencephalon for DG neurogenesis during embryonic and postnatal development, but the mechanisms of the DG fate determination still remain indistinct. Strong expression of Foxg1 in regulating DG from embryonic stage to adult suggests that it may paly a potential role in the DG development. Our previous studies have displayed that the Foxg1 conditional knockout (cKO) mice in neocortical progenitors generate a new phenotype, which is neocortical neurons partly transform into Cajal-Retzius cells. Furthur ,we found that most neocortical neurons transform to dentate gyrus (DG) granular cell fate, which suggests Foxg1 has a potential influnence on regulating DG granular cell fate during the hippocampal development.

In order to lucubrate the influence of Foxg1 on DG granular cell fate, we performed timed and site-directed inactivation with an Foxg1 cKO mutant in neocortical progenitors by drug-induced . Next, we detected the changes of hippocampal neuron through testing DG granular cell markers. The DG neurogenesis is initiating from embryonic day 10.5(E10.5) , so we selected E10.5, E12.5, E14.5 to get Foxg1 cKO mutants by TM injection. We analysed mouses and tested the relative signal molecule and transccription factors for regulating te DG granular cell development at E18.5. Our data displayed that the deletion of Foxg1 in early neocortical development suppressed DG granular cell fate. Finally we explored that theportential interaction mechanism of between Foxg1 and Wnt or Bmp, which are expressed in the dorsal midline, and we believe that Foxg1 regulates the DG fate deterrmination mainly through the dorsal midline signaling.

Key words: Foxg1; the dentate gyrus; DG granular cells;fate determination


摘要 1

Abstract 2

第一章 文献综述 5

第一节 海马齿状回的早期发育 5

1.1齿状回结构及细胞构筑 5

1.2齿状回发育相关信号因子 6

1.2.1胚胎时期齿状回的发育 6

1.2.2 调控齿状回发育的相关信号因子 7

第二节 Foxg1 调控齿状回发育 8

2.1 Foxg1概述 8

2.2 Foxg1与齿状回发育 8

2.3 Foxg1调控海马DG颗粒细胞的研究进展 9

第二章 材料和方法 10

第一节 实验材料 10

第二节 实验方法 13

第三章 实验结果与讨论 17

3.1 条件性敲除Foxg1后,背外侧皮质产生的CalR阳性的细胞不具有CR命运 17

3.1.1 Foxg1缺失后,背外侧皮质神经前体细胞产生CalR阳性细胞 17

3.1.2增加的CalR阳性细胞不具有CR细胞命运 18

3.2 增加的CalR阳性细胞为非皮层神经元 19

3.2.1Foxg1缺失后,背外侧皮质中新皮质特异性神经元减少或缺失 19

3.2.2 Foxg1缺失后,增加的CalR 阳性细胞不会获得深层神经元命运 21

3.2.3Foxg1缺失后,增加的CalR 细胞不会获得浅层神经元命运 22

3.3不同发育时期敲除Foxg1,皮层神经元转变为DG颗粒细胞命运 23

3.3.1 增加的CalR 的细胞可能具有DG颗粒细胞命运 23

3.3.2Foxg1缺失后,背外侧皮质前体细胞产生Prox1 的DG颗粒细胞 25

3.4 Foxg1与背侧中线信号及转录因子的相互作用机制来调控DG颗粒细胞的命运决定 26

3.4.1皮层发育早期敲除Foxg1后,Wnt和Bmp信号和转录因子Lef1上调 27

3.4.2皮层发育早期敲除Foxg1后,Wnt和Bmp信号下游信号分子上调 28

第四章 小结与展望 29

致谢 30

参考文献 31





作为海马结构整合部分的齿状回(Dentate Gyrus, DG),在端脑边缘系统有着非常重要的功能。齿状回虽然结构相对简单,但作为一个重要的信息中转站,它可以通过穿通路接收来自内嗅皮质的传入纤维,参与产生记忆信息的第一环节[5]。因此研究齿状回的神经发生和发育模式对明确相关神经疾病的发病机理有着十分的重要意义。



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