
 2022-04-13 07:04


摘 要






With the deepening of Internet application, cross-border e-commerce and cross-border payment are becoming more and more popular, and their scale is also expanding. At present, cross-border payment is facing many challenges, such as large number, centralization of data storage and poor transaction security. At present, the block chain technology, one of the hotspots of application and research, has the characteristics of decentralization and traceability, which can help us to meet these challenges. Therefore, this study based on block chain technology to design cross-border payment system is obviously meaningful.

Firstly, the paper summarizes the application of block chain technology and the related achievements of cross-border payment system, introduces their research results, and points out the shortcomings of the lack of practicality in the research of cross-border payment system based on block chain technology. Secondly, it introduces the knowledge of block chain and cross-border payment system, mainly introduces the consensus protocol, intelligent contract and other technologies in block chain, as well as the four modes of cross-border payment and their operation modes at the present stage. It concludes that cross-border payment has the problems of process centralization, low openness and security risks. Then, the paper focuses on the development and outstanding problems of PingPong platform. Finally, this paper makes a functional analysis of the cross-border payment system, and combines block chain technology to design a new scheme of the system, including architecture design and functional module design. The new system mainly includes registration and login module, account management module, fund management module and block chain maintenance module. The specific business process of each module is described in detail.

After analyzing the PingPong system, this paper redesigns it based on block chain technology, which makes up for the problems which have been mentioned above. It has certain practical significance, but more attempts are needed to put this idea into practice.

KEY WORDS:blockchain, cross-border payment system, system analysis and design

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.2相关研究综述 2

1.2.1区块链 2

1.2.2跨境支付系统 3

1.2.3区块链与跨境支付系统 3

1.3研究内容及框架 4

第二章 区块链相关技术 6

2.1.区块链的定义、分类与特点 6

2.1.1区块链的定义 6

2.1.2区块链的分类 7

2.1.3区块链的特点 7

2. 2区块链架构 8

2. 3共识协议 9

2.3.1共识协议介绍 9

2.3.2各共识算法比较 11

2.4智能合约 11

2. 5密码学知识 12

2.6本章小结 13

2.6 传统跨境支付介绍 14

2.6.1传统跨境支付方式介绍 14

2.6.2传统跨境支付存在的问题 17

2.7本章小结 19

第三章 PingPong跨境支付平台现状分析 20

3.1 PingPong跨境支付平台简介 20

3.2 PingPong平台优势及不足 20

3.2.1PingPong平台的优势 20

3.2.2 PingPong平台存在的问题 21

3.3本章小结 22

第四章 基于区块链的跨境支付系统优化设计 23

4.1需求分析 23

4.2基于区块链的跨境支付系统设计 25

4.2.1跨境支付系统架构设计 25

4.2.2跨境支付系统支付模式概念图 26

4.3功能模块设计 27

4.3.1总体功能模块设计 27

4.3.2功能模块详细设计 28

5.4应用优势 34

5.5本章小结 35

第五章 研究总结与展望 36

5.1研究总结 36

5.2研究不足与展望 36

致 谢 37

参考文献 38

第一章 绪论


在经济全球化的趋势下,全球贸易迅猛发展,跨境支付也愈发常见。据《2019跨境支付行业白皮书》可知,我国的跨境电商市场增长稳健,由 2014 年的 4.2万亿元增长到 2018 年的 9.1 万亿元,其中第三方支付机构跨境互联网交易金额超过4900亿元[1]。经过多年的行业发展,跨境支付行业日益规范,随着消费升级,跨境游消费、海淘以及出国留学的人数逐渐增加,跨境支付的规模也逐年扩大。与此同时,“一带一路”方针以及一系列的支持性政策刺激着中国与新兴国家之间的贸易往来,使得新兴国家或将成为我国跨境支付的新蓝海。这一系列的原因都体现出跨境支付这个行业的巨大潜力。然而,目前跨境支付存在仍存在着诸多需要改进的地方,如支付时间长,费用高,安全性差等问题,其中以安全性问题为主。安全性问题中交易者最为关注的是交易安全以及信息安全两方面。交易者通过跨境支付系统将资金转给他人,但资金在跨境支付系统中的转移需要一定的时间,在这段时间内交易资金的动向交易者无法得知,因而对此抱有顾虑,而国家通过颁发相应的资质证书来提升交易者对于平台的信心,但这作用有限。


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