
 2023-08-23 02:08


摘 要



A study on the path of cultivating College students" Creative ability

----based on the Colleges and Universities in Huai"an area

Fan Li

(School of Law Politics and Public Administration, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an Jiangsu, 223001)

Abstract: In the 20th anniversary of the 20th anniversary of reform and opening up, General Secretary Xi pointed out: "In the fierce international competition, only the innovators are innovating, but the innovators are strong, but the innovators are winning." In today"s knowledge-based, innovation is In the context of the dynamic era, the ability to innovate has increasingly become a decisive factor in whether a country and a nation can win in international competition. So today, society is more dependent on innovation. If the Chinese nation wants to gain the upper hand in international competition, it must become an innovative country and continuously cultivate innovative talents. In recent years, China has always regarded innovation and development as the first driving force, regard human resources as the first resource, and firmly grasp scientific and technological innovation in its own hands. As a successor and inheritor of national construction and social development, college students have largely determined the future competitiveness of the country, so they must learn to innovate. The primary task of higher education is to cultivate the innovative ability of college students. Therefore, the cultivation of college students" innovative ability should receive extensive attention. Based on the perspective of empirical research, this paper combines the questionnaire survey method and the interview method according to the ideas from the actual analysis to the countermeasures, and investigates and analyzes the innovation ability of college students in Huai"an area. Based on this, it proposes to improve the innovation of college students.

Key Words: College Students, Innovation Ability and Empirical Research

目 录















“思维着的精神”曾被恩格斯赞誉为世界上最美丽的花朵[2][2]。恩格斯认为人活着只有思考才能进步,只有创新才可以带动发展。在我国自十八大以来,习近平主席曾在多个场合多次强调创新的重要性。他曾指出,如果中国不走创新驱动道路,新旧动能不能顺利转换,是不可能真正强大起来的,只能是大而不强 [3][3]。如今我们已经进入了知识信息时代,随着科技水平的不断提高,国家综合国力的提高主要依靠科技创新。要想创新,就要拥有一批有着较强创新能力的人才,而大学生作为科技创新的预备队伍,对大学生的创新能力提出了更高的要求。因而将大学生创新能力的培养作为课题进行相应研究。


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