
 2022-04-15 07:04


摘 要






Since 1994, China has been implementing a tax system for value-added tax and business tax. The object of collection generally refers to goods and services. Until January 1, 2012, the government aimed to promote the value added tax reform for business tax in Shanghai. The tax reform was mainly aimed at the traffic transport industry and some modern service sector. August 2013 was a core opportunity for the reform of China's taxation system. The policy of “reform of the camp” stepped out of Shanghai and began to be officially promoted nationwide. On May 1, 2016, the construction industry, real estate industry, financial industry, and life service industry were all drawn into the scope of the “competition reform” pilot, and the deduction range was expanded. Deductible. The purpose of the promotion of this series of “competition and reform” policy is to avoid the redundancy of taxation links caused by repeated taxation and the excessive tax burden of enterprises, so as to achieve the effect of optimizing industrial structure and promoting the development of modern service industry, and stabilizing the national economy. Development has been added.

With the full implementation of the “Business tax changed to value added tax” system, the reality business industry has a broader space for development. At the same time, real estate companies are also facing opportunities and challenges, which makes real estate companies have a new perspective on reducing tax burden. And since the comprehensive camp reform in May 2016, it has been three years, the impact of the business reform policy on reality business enterprises, and some problems encountered by reality business enterprises before and after the tax reform have gradually surfaced.

In this article, we first compare the business tax with the value-added tax, and analyze the impact of China's battalion reform policy on the tax burden of reality business enterprises from a theoretical perspective, and combine case studies with specific reality business companies. Reality business companies to improve tax burden improvement recommendations.

KEY WORDS: business tax changed to value added tax , real estate, tax burden

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和研究目的 1

1.2 研究思路和研究方法 1

1.3 本文的结构安排 2

第二章 相关概念与文献综述 4

2.1 营业税与增值税 4

2.2 文献综述 5

第三章 营改增对房地产企业税负的影响——理论分析 8

3.1 对房地产企业投资环节的税负影响 8

3.1.1 建安成本 8

3.1.2 融资成本 9

3.1.3 甲供材料 10

3.2 对房地产企业销售环节的税负影响 12

第四章 营改增对房地产企业税负的影响——案例研究 14

4.1 行业整体分析 14

4.1.1 行业税负水平 14

4.1.2 2015、2016年各月税负情况对比 15

4.1.3 2016、2017年税负情况对比 17

4.2 万科集团情况分析 17

4.2.1 万科集团介绍 17

4.2.3 营改增对万科集团税负的影响 20

第五章 营改增后房地产企业进一步降低税负的对策建议 25

5.1 提高进项税额比重 25

5.2 增加精装修房比例 26

5.3 控制甲供材料占比 27

结束语 29

致 谢 30

参考文献 31

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景和研究目的




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