
 2023-04-13 09:04


摘 要





Research on the Application of Fair Value Measurement Model in the Investment Real Estate


Under the influences of American sub-prime mortgage crisis in 2008 and China’s joining in WTO, our country has reached the international standard positively. Therefore, after the consideration of our national condition and collecting suggestions in 18 months, the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise No. 39-Fair Value Measurement was published on 26th January, 2004 and was applied on 1st July, 2004. Due to the high housing price which resulted from the serious estate planning, investment property has separated from the fixed assets items and was in independent accounting. Now our country is encouraging the enterprises with investment property to measure the investment property through fair value econometric mode.

This essay has explained the definition and history of fair value so that to illustrate that fair value is still the main steam from doubt, dispute to correct apply. And this essay explained the definition of investment property as well. Through the comparison between historical cost measurement model and fair value econometric mode, the author analyzes the essential differences, service environment differences, use-cost, accounting differences, and using effects differences and so on. Then this essay theoretically analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of fair value econometric mode and estimates the economic consequences after applying fair value econometric mode so that to discusses the open questions of fair value econometric mode. After that, the essay analyzes the differences of profits and debt ratio through the transition from historical cost measurement model to fair value econometric mode through the examples of public company, and then concluded that fair value econometric mode can reduce the asset-liability ration and increase the profits of the company.

Due to the rule that the enterprises which adopt fair value econometric mode cannot use historical cost measurement model in the later and due to the long time and familiarity that historical cost measurement model has been used, few enterprises are using fair value econometric mode. Just because of the non reversibility, enterprises should choose the form of measurement according to their conditions (whether the enterprise can get the same or similar market evidence from a grown and active market) and their own development requirements.

Keywords: Fair value; The cost model; Investment real estate; Accounting standards

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 研究思路 2

1.4 研究方法 3

第二章 文献综述 4

2.1 公允价值计量 4

2.2 投资性房地产 4

第三章 相关概念界定 6

3.1 公允价值与公允价值计量 6

3.1.1 公允价值的概念 6

3.1.2 公允价值计量 6

3.2 投资性房地产及其计量模式 7

3.2.1 投资性房地产定义与确认条件 7

3.2.2 投资性房地产计量模式 7

3.2.3 公允价值计量与历史成本计量模式运用区别 8

3.2.4 公允价值计量模式运用优缺点 8

第四章 公允价值计量在投资性房地中的运用 10

4.1 公允价值计量的运用现状 10

4.2 投资性房地产公允价值应用的动机 11

4.3 投资性房地产公允价值应用存在的问题 12

第五章 案例分析 13

5.1 实例背景 13

5.2 案例分析 13

5.2.1 对资产负债表的影响 14

5.2.2 对利润表的影响 15

5.2.3 对主要财务指标的影响 16

5.3小结 16

第六章 结论与建议 17

6.1 结论 17

6.2 建议 17

致 谢 18

参考文献(References) 19

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景

2008年影响全球经济的国际金融危机爆发后,公允价值计量属性受到了全世界关注。二十国集团和金融稳定理事会为应对危机,提出了建立一套高质量的全球统一的会计准则的意见,重点为公允价值计量准则。对了响应倡议与为了应对国际经济发展与发展中出现的各种问题,国际会计准则理事会进行了一系列关于公允价值计量的研究。并于2011年5月12日发布了《国际财务报告准则第13号— —公允价值计量》。我国在1998年第一次引入公允价值计量属性后,2006年颁布的会计准则把公允价值计量大量引入,这次颁布的准则即跟随国际会计发展又符合我国经济发展趋势。2014年1月26日,我国财政部在原有的38项具体准则基础上,又颁布了《企业会计准则第39号——公允价值计量》,说明公允价值计量在我国的实施是顺应时代发展的潮流,我国上市公司对于公允价值计量模式的运用将会越来越规范。


1.2 研究意义

投资性房地产具有高风险高收益的特点,是与公司一般资产不同的一种资产,比如存货、无形资产、资产固定等,如果把它放进传统的固定资产或者别的资产中进行核算,不利于投资者做出决策,因为这样并不能真实地反映企业持有的投资性房地产的价值与盈利能力。在2006 年新企业会计准则颁布之前,企业将投资性房地产作为固定资产或无形资产核算,按照投资性房地产预计使用年限提取折旧或摊销,06年颁布会计准则中引入投资性房地产一项,对其确认、计量、披露等各个方面进行了规范,并在后续计量模式上给予了企业选择的权力。公允价值的使用可以提供更为相关的可靠的会计信息,从而提高会计信息质量,并且上市公司对计量模式的选择可以反映企业管理层的意图,从而更有利于财务报表的呈现与投资者的决策。


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