
 2023-02-14 09:02


摘 要

2016年3月,我国财政部、国家税务总局两部门下发了《关于全面推进营业税改征增值税试点的通知》,该文件明确提出了“营改增”政策的行业的相关税收政策,包括增值税的计税方法、税率等方面。从2016年 5月1日,营业税改征增值税从此开始全面推进,银行业也纳入了“营改增”的范畴。之前,营业税作为银行业的主要流转税的税种。相对于增值税来说,营业税税制存在一定的漏洞,产生一些像税负过高重复计税的现象,从而在某些程度上导致银行在运营管理中效率低、并且缺乏主要的竞争力。全面贯彻“营改增”政策对全面深化经济体制改革具有重要的意义。该政策实施后,增值税覆盖到了我国的所有行业和企业,重复征税现象被基本消除,同时疏通增值税的抵扣通道。本文分析并论述了“营改增”政策的实施对银行业产生的影响。银行业在实施“营改增”之后,其主要的变化就是流转税种从营业税变为增值税。这种转变会引发关于征税范围、计税方法、发票管理等涉税方面的变化。这些变化对银行产生一些影响,例如:税务管理、财务制度及税负等方面。关于增值税税负的变化方面,通过对比以前年度分行业、通过整体测算的方法,和某国有商业银行分行2016年度第二季度的实际增值税缴纳情况,从中发现“营改增”后,银行业增值税税负有略微上升的趋势,其主要是因为进项税额的抵扣不足。对于目前银行业存在的一些问题,提出以下 政策建议:银行应对内部加强管理,并深入研究贯彻税收政策、加强内部统筹;还应主动提升银行经营管理水平,强化风险控制,积极发展中间业务,提高经营效率;提升银行税务管理水平、建立健全税务管理体系,设计“营改增”税收管理方案;还应在实务中就涉税事项加强与税务机关的沟通。


An Analysis of the Influence that Business Tax is converted to VAT on Banking Industry


On March 26 2016, a new taxation policy was released:“Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Comprehensively Promoting the Pilot Program of Collecting Value-Added Tax take place of Business Tax”. The Value-Added Tax (VAT) rate and rules were announced for finance and other sectors in China that have yet been included in the pilot program and were still with business tax in operation. The tax rate has been increased from 5% under the business tax framework to the current 6% under the VAT framework, with effect from 1st May, 2016. The new VAT has been in full swing since then, with finance sector being in the transition stage from business tax to VAT.In the past, the majority part of the turnover tax in the finance industry has been the business tax. Comparing to VAT, there are intrinsic drawbacks with business tax, which has resulted in some common issues such as double taxation,improper basis of tax assessment, and heavy tax burden etc. These issues have further resulted in inefficient operation and lack of competency as we can see in China’s finance industry today. Comprehensively promoting of collecting VAT in lieu of business tax has a significant importance in deepening the economic restructuring. This policy shall

enforce the VAT across China covering all industries and corporations. Fundamentally,it will eliminate double taxation, and meanwhile ensure the integrity of the VAT credit chain.In this thesis, the impact of collecting VAT in lieu of business tax on the banking sector has been analyzed in details. After the migration to VAT framework from business tax, the majority part of the turnover tax will be value-added tax instead of business tax. The subsequent moves will be on a set of tax-related matters including taxation scope, tax computation method, and invoice management and so on and so forth. Such changes should impose critical impacts on domestic banks in China, for instance tax administration, financial system, and tax burden. Taking a state-owned commercial bank as an example, we have looked into the change in its tax burden.Based on the actual VAT collected from this bank in 2016 Quarter 2, it’ s observed that the tax burden is actually heavier with VAT, which is due to the fact that the banks deductible input tax is low.In view of the existing issues in the banking sector, we have proposed below:Bank management should make a improvement in their management internally, study the tax policies thoroughly, and ensure a better coordination. Managers shall also bring the daily operation and management to a greater level, while enhance the risk control and proactively develop banks’ intermediary business with a much higher operation efficiency. Tax management should be improved and more comprehensive and healthy tax management system should be established. A new tax management plan need to be developed based on VAT. Bank management shall also enhance the communication with tax authorities regarding practical tax matters.

Key Words:Bank; Pilot Reform; Tax Burden

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract III

第一章 绪 论 6

1.1 研究背景 6

1.2 研究的意义 6

1.3 研究思路及内容 7

1.4 论文框架 7

第二章 相关文献综述(或者相关理论) 8

第三章 主要政策解读 9

3.1 时政要点 10

3.1.1计税方法 10

3.1.2征税范围. 10

3.1.3抵扣方面 10

3.1.4免税业务 11

3.1.5申报方式 11

3.2 重大变化 12

3.2.1 征税范围较营业税有所扩大 12

3.2.2 免税范围较营业税有所收窄 12

3.2.3 原争议事项先明确需征税 12

3.3可行性分析 13

第四章 “营改增”的重大影响 14

4.1 对营业业绩的影响 14

4.1.1 收入较大幅度下降 14

4.1.2 支出小幅下降 14

4.1.3 营业税彻底退出历史舞台 14

4.1.4 利润有所下降 14

4.2 对税负产生的影响 15

4.2.1 “营改增”后税负整体测算情况 15

4.3 对经营管理的影响 16

4.3.1客户信息管理 16

4.3.2改造信息系统 16

4.3.3调整会计核算 17

4.4对税务管理的影响 17

第五章“营改增”实施面临的挑战 18

5.1 发票管理压力大 18

5.2 如何管控税会差异 18

5.3难解的“三流一致”问题 18

5.4税收制度有待完善 19

第六章 积极应对“营改增”的有关建议 20

6.1提高认识,高度重视 20

6.2加强研究,做好统筹 20

6.3配置资源,强化管理 20

6.4依法合规,防范风险 20

6.5发展中间业务,优化收益结构 21

结 论 22

致 谢 23

参考文献(References) 24

第一章 绪 论



1.2 研究目的及意义


从2016年5月1日开始,银行业的“营改增”政策己实施近2年的时间,从各银行主体的纳税情况及有关专家的测算结果分析来看,不少银行“营改增”实施之后发生了整体税收负担“不降反增”的状况,这不仅需要税务部门在有关纳税政策和细则制定过程中做好顶层设计,更需要纳税主体在税务管理方面进行改革。作为我国银行业的重要组成部分,某国有商业银行(以下简称“A银行”)在促进地区经济建设与发展、维持金融行业健康发展等方面具有重要作用,研宄其整体税负情况,并基于此提出政策建议具有很强的现实意义。本文主要研宄实施“营改增” 政策对A银行的影响,主要包括财务制度、税务管理、税负变化情况等方面,并着重分析了其在“营改增”后企业及税务管理方面面临的主要问题,然后本文据此 提出切实有效的政策建议,使其更好地适应增值税政策,从而提升其经营效率和竞争力。




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