
 2023-02-14 09:02


摘 要

近年来,我们国家的城市化进程正飞速发展,城镇住房制度进一步深化改革,房地产业日趋重要,已成为推动中国GDP增长的重要产业。 它与人们的日常生活密切相关,与各行各业高度相关 并且受到了各行各业越来越多的关注。在一定程度上,它可以被视为中国经济的灯塔,它的发展和变化可以从侧面反映宏观经济水平的转变。根据不同的研究目的,不同的评价标准和方法可能会产生不同的结果。 为了能够更客观,更准确地了解房地产行业的各个方面,利益相关者需要科学地评估其绩效。




Research on Financial Performance Evaluation of Listed Companies

——Taking Vanke Group as an example


With the acceleration of China"s urbanization process and the deepening and reform of the urban housing system, the real estate industry has become a pillar industry of the national economy and has become an important industry driving China"s GDP growth. It is closely related to people"s daily lives and highly correlated with various industries. And it has received increasing attention from all walks of life. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as the vane of the Chinese economy. Its development and changes can reflect the transformation of the macroeconomic level from the side. According to different research purposes, different evaluation criteria and methods are likely to produce Different results. In order to be able to understand all aspects of the real estate industry more objectively and accurately, stakeholders need to scientifically evaluate its performance.

On the basis of summarizing the previous research and analysis, this paper adopts the traditional and improved DuPont analysis method, mainly through the combination of theoretical research and case analysis, from the micro-enterprise (selecting the leader and representative in the comprehensive strength ranking of the real estate industry) ——Vanke Enterprise Co., Ltd.) began to study the financial report of Vanke Group for 2013-2017, and selected index calculation and evaluation from the aspects of sustainable development capability, solvency, profitability and operational capability. By comparing the different results after the financial analysis, the improved DuPont analysis system is summarized and evaluated, which shows that the improved DuPont analysis system can more fully and accurately reflect the actual operation of Vanke.

This paper finds that the improved DuPont analysis system inherits the advantages of the traditional DuPont analysis system and provides a new perspective of financial analysis, which more fully and deeply reflects the current real business situation of Vanke Group. Based on the comparative analysis, it can be found that Vanke has a good development prospect and a good financial situation, but Vanke still needs to solve some defects and problems.

Keywords: Financial performance evaluation; Traditional DuPont system; Improved DuPont system; Vanke Group

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 选题背景及意义 1

1.1.1 选题背景 1

1.1.2 选题意义 1

1.2 研究方法 2

1.3 研究内容 2

1.4 文献综述 3

第二章 房地产行业在我国的发展现状和趋势 5

2.1 房地产行业在我国的特点 5

2.2 房地产行业在我国的现状和趋势 5

2.2.1 房地产行业在我国的现状 5

2.2.2 房地产行业在我国的发展趋势 6

第三章 传统的杜邦分析体系及其改进 7

3.1 传统杜邦分析体系的概述 7

3.2 传统杜邦分析体系的局限 8

3.3 传统杜邦分析体系的改进 8

3.3.1 改进后的杜邦分析体系的基本模型 8

3.3.2 改进后的杜邦分析体系的参数解释 9

第四章 杜邦分析体系的运用——万科集团财务绩效评价分析 11

4.1 万科集团的简介 11

4.2 运用传统的杜邦分析体系对万科的财务分析 11

4.3 运用改进后的杜邦分析体系对万科的财务分析 12

4.3.1 可持续发展能力分析 12

4.3.3 盈利能力分析 13

4.3.4 偿债能力分析 13

4.3.5 营运能力分析 14

4.4 杜邦分析体系运用改进前后对万科财务分析的对比 15

结 论 16

致 谢 17

参考文献(References) 18

绪 论




财务绩效是公司战略及其实施和执行对最终业务绩效的贡献,财务绩效能够很全面地表达企业在成本控制的效果、资产运用管理的效果、资金来源调配的效果以及股东权益报酬率的组成。财务绩效反映在以下方面:盈利能力,运营能力,偿付能力和风险抵抗。随着中国市场经济体制的不断完善,企业财务绩效评价不再仅仅是企业国家管理和评估的基本手段。许多的利益相关者将会越来越关注企业过去一段时期内的业绩表现, 并且越来越关注公司未来的整体发展潜力和综合竞争力。


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