
 2022-12-16 10:12


摘 要


S公司作为一家大型上市公司,我们不可否认其在行业内的影响力和取得的成果,但通过对S 公司经营状况和存货数据的分析,我们不难发现S公司的存货管理依然存在漏洞,正所谓“金无足赤,人无完人”。



Problems and Measures of Inventory Management in S company


As the main source of income of manufacturing enterprises, inventory is the lifeblood of enterprise development. Inventory management and control will reduce the cost of inventory and increase the cost of manufacturing industry. Therefore, the loss caused by poor inventory management can not be underestimated.

As a large listed company, S company can not deny its influence and achievements in the industry. However, through the analysis of S company's operating status and inventory data, it is not difficult to find that there are still loopholes in S company's inventory management, which is the so-called " Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect ".

This paper takes a "two-step" strategy to analyze the case of S company. One is to point out its shortcomings from the financial information disclosed in the financial statements, and the other is to put forward corresponding improvement measures. According to the above two aspects, this paper simply analyzes the improvement space of S company's inventory management. As a member of manufacturing enterprises, the case of S company reflects the common problems of most manufacturing enterprises in China. It hopes to play a reference role for other domestic manufacturing enterprises, and make a prospect for its future development.

Keywords: Inventory Management; Problems; Measures

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究内容及方法 1

1.3.1 研究内容 1

1.3.2 研究方法 1

1.4 论文框架 1

第二章 存货管理相关理论概述 3

2.1 相关文献综述 3

2.2 存货管理相关理论 4

2.2.1存货管理相关概念 4

2.2.2 存货管理相关方法 4

第三章 S公司经营和存货管理现状分析 5

3.1 S公司经营现状 5

3.1.1 S公司简介 5

3.1.2 S公司经营情况 5

3.2 S公司存货现状 6

3.2.1 S公司存货情况横向对比分析 6

3.2.2 S公司存货情况纵向分析 8

3.3 S公司存货管理现状 9

3.3.1 S公司采用的存货管理制度 9

3.3.2 S公司存货管理的流程 9

第四章 S公司存货管理存在的问题分析 10

4.1 S公司存货管理存在的问题 10

4.1.1 存货盘点监督执行不到位 10

4.1.2 存货仓储管理混乱 10

4.1.3 存货大量积压,占用公司资金 10

4.1.4 存货管理信息化水平低 11

4.2 S公司存货管理产生问题的原因 11

4.2.1 存货内控制度不健全,外部监督不到位 11

4.2.2 存货管理人员素质偏低 11

4.2.3 存货采购安排不合理,销售渠道闭塞 11

4.2.4 存货管理软件系统落后 12

4.3 本章小结 12

第五章 S公司存货管理的优化 13

5.1 加强内部监督和社会监督 13

5.2 加强对存货管理人员的培训 13

5.3 合理制定存货相关计划 13

5.4 加强科技化办公,促进公司员工交流 13

结 论 14

致 谢 15

参考文献 16

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景



1.2 研究目的及意义




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