
 2022-12-01 11:12


摘 要





A Study on the Handling of Tax-related Matters in Enterprise Liquidation Cancellation


With the improvement and progress of the current Chinese economic system, the number of Chinese enterprises has shown a sharp upward trend. Some companies that are difficult to integrate into the market environment will eventually withdraw from the market. This means that the enterprise liquidation stage will become the last means for the enterprise to obtain benefits. How to deal with the relevant tax-related matters in the final liquidation process reasonably has attracted the attention and attention of numerous taxpayers. However, due to the lack of soundness of the current laws and regulations on tax write-offs in the country and the various irregular operations of the enterprises themselves in the process of write-off and liquidation, normal work is difficult to carry out. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the problems of corporate liquidation and cancellation of tax-related matters and how to improve related issues, which can largely ensure that the interests of taxpayers and other stakeholders are protected, maintain social equity, and help China Accelerate the pace of economic system renewal, and improve the normal withdrawal mechanism of the main body of the market economy to promote the healthy development of the market economy.

This inquiry uses a literature research method, a comparative analysis method, a descriptive research method, and an inductive summary method. Through reviewing a large number of literature and books to grasp the current status of tax-related matters related to the cancellation of liquidation by enterprises, and then use the comparative analysis method to analyze relevant legal issues and related accounting treatment issues in the process of corporate cancellation and liquidation, and combine various legal provisions defined in the process of corporate liquidation. Describe that the actual situation proves that there are still a series of problems that need to be resolved but not yet resolved in the process of corporate liquidation and cancellation. Finally, according to the exploration and analysis of the existing problems, relevant suggestions-level solutions are provided for the treatment in the current enterprise liquidation process.

This study focuses on the tax issues in the process of corporate liquidation and cancellation, and strives to achieve standardization of corporate cancellations. It is necessary for the state to increase the enthusiasm of both parties in tax processing and expand the work face, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the entire process, and improve tax cancellations. Registration management system. China's market needs to give full play to the role of taxation in regulating the general environment of the market economy, and to promote the operation of the market economy. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the problems of corporate liquidation and cancellation of tax-related matters and how to improve related issues, which can largely ensure that the interests of taxpayers and other stakeholders are protected, maintain social equity, and help China Accelerate the pace of economic system renewal, and improve the normal withdrawal mechanism of the main body of the market economy to promote the healthy development of the market economy.

Keywords: Enterprise liquidation; Business cancellation; Tax treatment; Solution

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的和意义 2

1.2.1 研究目的 2

1.2.2 研究意义 2

1.3 研究内容和方法 3

1.3.1 研究内容 3

1.3.2 研究方法 3

1.4 全文框架结构 3

第二章 企业清算注销涉税事项处理研究的文献综述 4

第三章 企业注销清算情形研究及法律法规分析 5

3.1 企业清算注销情形研究 5

3.2 企业清算注销法律法规概述 5

3.3 企业注销清算现状探讨 6

3.2.1 企业税务注销清算现状 6

3.2.2 企业破产法律法规现状 7

第四章 企业注销清算的主要涉税事项 9

4.1 企业注销清算日 9

4.2 企业注销清算流程 9

4.2.1 法律流程 9

4.2.2 涉税流程 9

4.3 企业注销清算前的涉税事项 10

4.3.1 企业注销清算前的涉税事项概述 10

4.3.2 企业注销清算前的涉税事项关注内容 10

4.4 企业注销清算期间的涉税事项 10

4.4.1 企业清算期间的税收规定 10

4.4.2 企业注销清算期间的事务处理 10

4.4.3 企业清算期间涉税事项 11

第五章 企业清算在实际中的运用——以A公司为例 13

结 论 16

致 谢 18

参考文献(References) 19

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景

如今,中国经济在不断成长和发展,市场竞争日益激烈,优胜劣汰的市场规律在经济这个催化剂下显得愈发明显,现存实力欠缺的企业似乎从萌芽期开始,就预示着将在这场无声无息的竞争中持续面临着经营管理问题和财政危机。同时,由于国家政策以及企业生存发展大环境的影响,使得能源、资金等重点企业成为国家的宠儿;产业结构调整频率居高不下以及政府针对国家发展的宏观拆迁规划等,都成为了阻碍企业稳健经营的绊脚石。此举直接复杂了一些企业的清算注销程序。国家工商行政管理总局对注销登记手续进行了简化,各项程序的简化意味着公众将面对一个更加透明化和信息化的监督系统,企业也因此感受到信用维护的作用之大。简易注销登记制度并非为了寻求方便而对企业放纵不管,因此,一些企业有机会利用它。但是, 与此同时,对取消阶段纳税人自身的税务管理提出了更高的要求和期望。这意味着在企业清算注销过程中,纳税人将积极应对各种涉税事项,确保各项涉税事务的完整度与参与度。



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