
 2022-11-20 11:11


摘 要



Causes of Financial Fraud and Countermeasures

- Taking Zixin Pharmaceutical Industry as an example


In the process of sustained and rapid development of economic market, financial fraud is difficult to contain, and the impact is relatively bad, causing serious harm to the sustained and healthy development of market economy. However, the main reasons that harm the development of market economy and lead to financial fraud include that the current market economy system of our country is not perfect, the relevant legal system still needs to be perfected, and so on, which makes it difficult to effectively prevent and control the phenomenon of financial fraud in enterprises. How to ensure the effective prevention and control of financial fraud and whether the financial information has authenticity and integrity is very important for the development of market economy. The article mainly focuses on the causes of corporate financial fraud Taking Zixin Pharmaceutical Industry as an example, this paper first expounds the research background and significance, research contents and methods; then expounds the relevant theories and literature review, such as information asymmetry theory, financial fraud iceberg theory, etc.; then analyzes the case of enterprise financial fraud, take Zixin Pharmaceutical Industry as an example, in-depth analysis of the enterprise financial fraud motivation, means and specific cases of fraud, and then explain the reasons for the formation of financial fraud, mainly from the internal and external reasons of the enterprise, and finally put forward specific countermeasures against the corresponding financial fraud motivation and financial fraud. Hopefully, after the article, It can further improve the prevention and control of financial fraud, ensure the authenticity and comprehensiveness of the financial information disclosed by enterprises, and ensure a healthy and orderly market economy environment.

Keywords: Enterprise; Financial Fraud; Preventive Countermeasures

目 录

摘 要


第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景与意义

1.1.1 研究背景

1.1.2 研究意义

1.2 研究目的、方法及内容

1.2.1 研究目的

1.2.2 研究方法

1.2.3 研究内容

1.3 主要概念的界定

1.3.1 财务舞弊的概念

1.3.2 财务舞弊的危害

第二章 理论与文献回顾

2.1 相关理论

2.1.1 信息不对称理论

2.1.2 财务舞弊冰山理论

2.1.3 财务舞弊三角理论

2.2 财务舞弊理论文献回顾

2.2.1 关于财务舞弊动因方面的研究

2.2.2 关于管理层追求自身经济利益最大化方面的研究

2.2.3 关于财务舞弊防范方面的研究

2.2.4 文献评述

第三章 财务舞弊案例分析-以紫鑫药业为例

3.1 紫鑫药业案例介绍

3.1.1 紫鑫药业情况介绍

3.1.2 紫鑫药业财务舞弊介绍

3.2 紫鑫药业财务舞弊动因分析

3.2.1 为了获取更多利益而展开的财务舞弊行为

3.2.2 为了减轻税收负担而进行财务舞弊

3.3 紫鑫药业财务舞弊手段分析

3.3.1 虚构交易事项

3.3.2 不合理变更会计核算方法

3.3.3 掩饰交易或事实

第四章 企业财务舞弊形成原因

4.1 企业内部原因

4.1.1 为业绩考核而展开财务舞弊

4.1.2 为了减少纳税而展开财务舞弊

4.1.3 企业内部控制制度不健全

4.2 企业外部原因

4.2.1 为获取信贷资金和商业信用展开财务舞弊

4.2.2 政府部门监督缺乏有效性

4.2.3 我国的法律法规不健全

第五章 企业财务舞弊防范对策

5.1 财务舞弊成因的防范对策

5.1.1 建立健全企业绩考核制度

5.1.2 加强企业纳税监管

5.1.3 健全企业内部控制制度

5.2 财务舞弊手段的防范对策

5.2.1 拓宽资金获取渠道

5.2.2 增强相关部门监管的力度

结 论


致 谢

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景与意义

1.1.1 研究背景


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