
 2022-11-20 11:11


摘 要





Research on the Internal Control of Accounts Receivable of Shenglaida Limited Liability Company


With the rapid development of market economy in recent years, enterprises are faced with fierce competition, enterprises' accounts receivable are faced with a large amount, difficult recovery and other problems. It has become a common business practice for most enterprises to offer credit sales to customers. At present, the foundation of China's social credit system is relatively weak, the structure is not complete, the vast majority of enterprises have not established a sound credit management mechanism. Therefore, enterprises should take corresponding measures to strengthen the management of accounts receivable. To study the internal control of enterprise accounts receivable has important practical (theoretical) significance for reducing enterprise losses and collecting accounts in time.

This paper mainly use the case analysis method and comparative analysis method. First of all, through the comparative analysis of various financial indicators, to find out the internal control of enterprise accounts receivable problems, then carry out a detailed analysis of the enterprise, find out the causes of the problem, and finally put forward the corresponding countermeasures and measures.

This study takes Shenglaida limited liability company as the research object and concludes that large amount of credit sales has become a sales model, and large amount of credit sales have a great impact on the operation of cash flow of enterprises, so the internal control of accounts receivable should be paid great attention to by enterprises.

Keywords: Accounts receivable; Internal control; Factors of internal control

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究内容及方法 1

1.4 论文框架 2

第二章 关于应收账款内部控制的文献综述 3

第三章 应收账款与内部控制理论综述 5

3.1 应收账款 5

3.1.1 应收账款概念 5

3.1.2 应收账款的风险 5

3.2 内部控制 5

3.2.1 内部控制概念 5

3.1.2 内部控制要素 5

第四章 圣莱达股份有限公司应收账款内部控制的案例介绍 7

4.1 公司简介 7

4.1.1 公司组织结构 7

4.2 圣莱达股份有限公司应收账款的现状 7

4.2 圣莱达股份有限公司应收账款内部控制的现状 9

第五章 应收账款内部控制问题的原因分析 10

5.1 控制环境方面 10

5.2 风险评估方面 10

5.3 控制活动方面 10

5.4信息沟通方面 10

5.5 内部监督方面 10

第六章 应收账款内部控制改进措施 11

6.1 内部控制环境方面的措施 11

6.2 风险评估方面的措施 11

6.3 内部控制过程方面的措施 11

6.4 信息沟通方面的措施 12

6.5 内部监督方面的措施 12

结 论 13

参考文献 14

致 谢 15

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景



1.2 研究目的及意义



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