
 2022-11-16 10:11


摘 要





Research on Profit Model and Problems of Sharing Bicycle in Nanjing City —— Taking Hellobike as an Example


In recent years, China's bicycle sharing market has developed to a certain extent. From the initial domestic introduction of the foreign government-led public bicycle model to the emergence of specialized bicycle sharing enterprises in the market, both developers and users are constantly increasing. With the rapid development of mobile Internet, piling-free bicycles have gradually replaced piling-free bicycles because they are more convenient. Since 2016, there have been more and more shared bicycle brands in the market with piling-free bicycles as their main products. However, various problems of management difficulties have also arisen. Some brands have fallen into the dilemma of shortage of funds due to their inability to make profits. The profit model of the shared bicycle industry has become another focus of attention.

Hellobike, which entered the market at the end of 2016, has now developed into a professional travel platform. After several years of operation, the results are relatively impressive and have now become one of the few bike-sharing enterprises in the industry. In this paper, taking the sharing bike of Hellobike in Nanjing as an example, the author studies the company's own operation and market operation, classifies the users according to the use area and the age and sex of the users, investigates the profit mode of the company, and then analyzes its profit mode, in order to understand the advantages and existing problems of its profit mode.

Based on the current market share a common way of profit on the bike, this article mainly discusses the Hellobike of profit model, the profit object types and profitable way has carried on the investigation and analysis, and through the user experience of Hellobike in Nanjing, combined with the present situation of Nanjing market, summarizes several improvement direction, user experience, costs and prices, business advocacy, develop the market, at the same time based on user experience suggest specific results, it is hoped that these solutions can effectively solve the current profit problem of hello travel and can also be used for reference by other enterprises in the bicycle industry.

Key Words: Nanjing; Sharing Bike; Hellobike; Profit Model

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1 背景 1

1.1.2 意义 1

1.2 研究思路及方法 1

1.2.1 研究思路 1

1.2.2 研究方法 2

1.3 论文框架 2

第二章 共享单车盈利模式的理论和文献综述 3

2.1 共享经济及共享单车概念 3

2.1.1 共享经济 3

2.1.2 共享单车 3

2.2 盈利模式的理论基础 3

2.2.1 盈利模式基本概念 3

2.2.2 共享经济中的盈利模式 3

2.3 文献综述 3

2.3.1 引言 3

2.3.2 共享经济的概念 3

2.3.3 共享单车产生的原因 4

2.3.4 共享单车的盈利模式及存在的缺陷 4

2.3.5 盈利模式的问题划分 4

2.3.6 文献评述 5

第三章 南京市共享单车行业现状及哈啰单车的盈利模式 7

3.1 南京市共享单车行业概况 7

3.1.1 南京市共享单车市场现状 7

3.1.2 行业发展现状 7

3.1.3 南京市哈啰单车使用体验的问卷调查 7

3.2 哈啰出行哈啰单车简介 8

3.2.1 哈啰出行公司概况 8

3.2.2 哈啰单车发展历程及现状 8

3.3 南京市哈啰单车的盈利模式分析 8

3.3.1 哈啰单车的盈利模式 8

3.3.2 哈啰单车的盈利对象 10

3.3.3 用户流量入口 11

3.4 哈啰单车的盈利途径 12

3.4.1 租赁收入 12

3.4.2 衍生产品收益 14

3.4.3 广告收入 14

3.4.4 融资收益 14

3.4.5 品牌合作 14

3.4.6 政企合作 14

第四章 哈啰出行共享单车盈利模式的优势及问题分析 15

4.1 哈啰单车盈利模式的优势 15

4.1.1 用户流入多 15

4.1.2 单车性能 15

4.1.3 损毁率较低 15

4.1.4 市场日活量高 16

4.1.5 政企合作 16

4.2 哈啰单车当前盈利模式存在的问题 16

4.2.1 客户忠诚度较低 16

4.2.2 科技效用不足 17

4.2.3 投放量及投放区域不合理 17

4.2.4 衍生产品使用率低 18

4.2.5 客户体验需要加强 19

4.3 问题原因 19

4.3.1 骑行卡制度不合理 19

4.3.2 没有及时获取用户建议 20

4.3.3 单车损毁严重 20

4.3.4 产品宣传较少 20

4.3.5 线上服务投入较少 21

第五章 改善哈啰出行共享单车盈利状况的建议 22

5.1 提升骑行体验,提高客户忠诚度 22

5.1.1 改善经营规则和方向 22

5.1.2 提升用户使用满意度 23

5.2 控制成本损耗,合理提高价格 24

5.2.1 加强政企双向合作 24

5.2.2 适当在闹市区减少投放 24

5.2.3 实行区域定价 24

5.3 加大宣传力度,增加广告收入 25

5.3.1 产品及服务宣传 25

5.3.2 增加定向广告推广 25

5.4 拓展新的市场,增加市场占有率· 26

5.4.1 增加国内市场 26

5.4.2 拓展海外市场 26

结 语 27

参考文献(References) 28

致 谢 29


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