
 2022-11-14 10:11


摘 要





Study on Accounting of Leasing of Listed Companies: A Case Study of China Eastern Airlines


With the development of the leasing industry, leasing has become one of the important financing methods for major enterprises, and leasing accounting is an important part of leasing activities in enterprises, which affects the company's external information disclosure. As a result, lease accounting was based on corporate accounting lease standards. In order to further regulate the lease business, the Ministry of Finance issued a revised "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 21-Leases" (hereinafter referred to as "new lease standards") in December 2018. ), And lease accounting has also changed to some extent.

This research first studies the theory of leasing accounting based on the leasing criteria, and changes in the theory of leasing accounting. Taking Eastern Airlines as an example, it mainly analyzes the lease-related businesses in the quarterly statements of China Eastern Airlines in the past three years, and analyzes the changes before and after the lease accounting. Finally, give relevant suggestions for lease accounting.

In this study, through a combination of theory and case analysis, the research on the lease accounting of listed companies found that under the new lease standard, the lessee's treatment of lease accounting has changed significantly, no longer distinguishing between financial lease and operating lease. Lease assets are also disclosed in the table, so it will have a huge impact on companies with a large number of operating leases, will bring changes to the company's balance sheet, profit statement, cash flow statement, and increase debt service indicators such as asset-liability ratio, thus affecting The company's financing structure and other business decisions.

Keywords: Leasing; Accounting; Financial Statements; China Eastern Airlines

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 研究思路与方法 1

1.3.1 研究思路 1

1.3.2 研究方法 2

1.4 研究内容 2

第二章 相关概念和文献综述 4

2.1 租赁定义 4

2.2 国际租赁会计准则研究 4

2.3 我国新租赁准则研究 4

2.4 航空公司的租赁会计核算研究 4

2.5 文献研究小结 5

第三章 租赁会计准则概述 6

3.1 租赁会计准则变迁历程 6

3.2我国新租赁准则的发布背景 6

3.3 我国新租赁准则主要内容 7

3.3.1 租赁的会计处理 7

3.3.2 租赁的后续计量 7

3.3.3 列报 7

第四章 租赁会计核算对比分析以及影响 7

4.1 出租方的会计处理对比分析 7

4.2 承租方的会计处理对比分析 8

4.3 财务报告信息的披露对比分析 9

4.3.1 承租人列报 9

4.3.2 出租人列报 9

4.4 租赁会计核算变化对企业影响 9

4.4.1 对企业财务数据影响 9

4.4.2对企业信息披露质量影响 10

4.4.3 对企业经营活动影响 10

第五章 东方航空案例分析 11

5.1 航空业概况与案例选择 11

5.1.1 航空业概况 11

5.1.2航空业租赁现状 12

5.1.3 东方航空地位 13

5.2 东方航空概况 13

5.2.1 东方航空简介 13

5.2.2 东方航空经营现状 13

5.2.3 东方航空机队结构 14

5.3 东方航空租赁业务会计核算变化对财务报告影响 14

5.3.1 对资产负债表影响 14

5.3.2 对利润表影响 15

5.3.3 对现金流量表影响 15

5.3.4 小结 16

5.4新租赁会计核算对东方航空引入飞机方式影响 16

5.5 东方航空对新租赁会计核算带来影响的应对措施 16

5.5.1 优化融资结构 16

5.5.2 加强租赁合同管理 17

5.5.3加强财务人员培训 17

第六章 结论及建议 18

6.1 结论 18

6.2 建议 18

致 谢 19

参考文献 20

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景



1.2 研究意义



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