
 2022-11-08 11:11


摘 要




Application of SME Financing Pattern Based on

Blockchain Technology


SMEs play an indispensable role in the aspect of promoting Chinese economy, but the problem that financing is not only difficult but also expensive has always been one of the main difficulties faced by SMEs, and its root causes mainly lie in SMEs’ anti-risk ability and operation standards and even the whole financial system. In the last few years, with Bitcoin turning into a popular topic, the underlying technology which supports its development, blockchain, has been of great contention. The characteristics of de-centralization and de-trust make personages of all circles concerned about the relevant research on the integration of blockchain technology into financial business. It is vital to explore the application of SMEs’ financing mode based on blockchain technology, promoting the survival and development of SMEs in China.

Domestic SMEs are facing the dilemma of inadequate internal financing, bank loan difficulties, unbalanced financing structure and high financing costs. Coincidentally, it is suitable for blockchain technology to solve these problems because of its decentralization, immutable information and traceability. Based on these suitable points, this paper proposes that blockchain technology has advantages in solving the information asymmetry of SMEs, enhancing their credit guarantees, and regulating their financing management. In terms of the specific application model to solve these financing dilemmas, this paper focuses on the application of the SAS blockchain platform, and finds that in the entire working process of the SAS platform, the role of blockchain technology is to extend the scope of financing services, enhance credit standard, avoid the risk of debt receivable and reduce financing costs. Inspired by the SAS platform, this paper analyzes the financing pattern of “block chain + supply chain” for SMEs, and explores three financing models in result, which combine blockchain with prepayment, inventory, and commercial debt. Meanwhile, this paper propounds implementation advices for the prospective application of blockchain in the financing scenarios of SMEs, to a certain extent, alleviating the problems of financing difficulties and high financing costs for SMEs.

Keywords: Blockchain Technology; SME; Financing Pattern; Financial Services

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.2.1 研究目的 1

1.2.2 研究意义 2

1.3 研究内容及方法 2

1.3.1 研究内容 2

1.3.2 研究方法 2

1.4 论文框架 3

第二章 区块链应用于中小企业融资的文献综述 4

2.1 中小企业融资现状的研究 4

2.2 区块链在金融领域的应用研究 4

2.3 区块链应用于中小企业融资的研究 5

2.4 文献研究评述 6

第三章 中小企业的融资现状和困境 7

3.1 中小企业的融资现状 7

3.1.1 内源融资现状 7

3.1.2 外源融资现状 7

3.2 中小企业面临的融资困境 8

第四章 区块链技术解决中小企业融资的应用分析 9

4.1 区块链技术原理概述 9

4.1.1 区块链的概念 9

4.1.2 区块链的特点 9

4.2 区块链在金融领域的应用 10

4.2.1货币支付 10

4.2.2 银行业务 10

4.2.3 证券交易 10

4.3 区块链解决融资困境的路径 10

4.3.1 解决“信息不对称”问题 11

4.3.2 增强中小企业信用担保 11

4.3.3 规范票据融资管理 11

第五章 区块链应用于中小企业融资的案例分析 12

5.1 平安银行SAS平台介绍 12

5.1.1 SAS平台的定义 12

5.1.2 SAS平台参与方介绍 12

5.2 平安银行SAS平台的工作流程 13

5.3 SAS平台的区块链原理分析 14

5.3.1 延长供应链融资服务范围 14

5.3.2 强化中小企业信用担保 14

5.3.3 避免应收账款业务风险 14

5.3.4 降低中小企业融资成本 15

第六章 案例启发和实施建议 16

6.1 SAS平台的启发:中小企业区块链+供应链融资模式探索 16

6.1.1 区块链+预付款融资模式 16

6.1.2 区块链+存货类融资模式 17

6.1.3 区块链+商票债权融资模式 17

6.2 实施建议 17

6.2.1 加强技术创新 17

6.2.2 推动区块链+供应链金融科学发展 18

6.2.3 建立人才培养机制 18

结 论 19

参考文献 20

致 谢 22

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景




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