
 2022-10-23 02:10


摘 要




Research on Tax Preferential Policy to Promote the Development of Small and Micro Enterprises


Since the reform and opening up, China's small and micro-enterprises sprang up like bamboo shoots, the so-called: a spark, can start a prairie fire. By the end of 2017, the number of small and micro-enterprises in China had exceeded 73 million, accounting for half of the total number of enterprises in China, according to a survey of relevant institutions in China. China's high-speed economic growth and social progress, can not be separated from the growing small and micro-enterprises. The healthy development of small and micro-enterprises determines whether China's economy can grow steadily, whether the number of jobs is sufficient or not, and whether the people's income can be improved. However, at present, small and micro-enterprises financing difficulties, high financing costs and other issues have been highlighted, so In 2004, the state should lighten the burden of taxes and fees and create a level playing field. At this time, the country quickly introduced "mass innovation, entrepreneurship"-related policies, and the main stimulus is the tax incentives, these policies for small and micro-enterprises are no doubt in the dust. Based on this, with the times, the study of small and micro-enterprise tax preferential policies emerged as the times require.

In this paper, we deeply study and analyze the tax preferential policies to promote the development of small and micro-enterprises. There are many kinds of taxes in small and micro-enterprises. This paper discusses the tax preferential policies of VAT and income tax of small and micro-enterprises, and mainly analyzes the current status of promoting the tax preferential policies, such as the promotion of the current tax preferential policies, and so on. To improve our small and micro-enterprise tax preferential policy suggestions, so that our small and micro-enterprises thrive and rapid development.

Keywords: Small and micro enterprises;Tax preferential policies;Tax concessions

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究方法和内容 1

1.3.1 研究方法 1

1.3.2 研究内容 2

第二章 相关文献综述 4

2.1 税收优惠政策对小微企业的促进作用(以增值税和所得税两大税种为例) 4

2.2 我国现行小微企业税收优惠政策存在的漏洞 4

2.3 小微企业的税收优惠政策的建议 5

第三章 相关概念界定与小微企业税收优惠政策梳理 6

3.1 税收优惠相关概念界定 6

3.1.1 小微企业的界定标准 6

3.1.2 小微企业的特点 6

3.1.3 税收优惠的概述 6

3.2 增值税和企业所得税税收优惠政策梳理 7

3.2.1 增值税税收优惠政策 7

3.2.2 企业所得税税收优惠政策 8

第四章 税收优惠政策实施的现状 9

4.1 税收优惠政策对小微企业促进作用 9

4.1.1 有利于促进小微企业减轻税收负担,改善小微企业经营状况从而促进经济发展 9

4.1.2 在一定程度上缓解就业压力,促进大学生投身于创立小微企业的潮流中 9

4.1.3 优化小微企业内部结构,提升自主创新能力 10

4.1.4 小微企业利用税收优惠政策可以促进企业的获得感、满足感、幸福感 10

4.2 税收优惠政策中存在的问题 10

4.2.1 从政策执行因素来看 10

4.2.2 从小微企业管理的因素来看,小微企业财务人员专业水平低,缺乏健全的管理模式 11

第五章 案例分析 12

5.1 G区小微企业税收优惠现状 12

5.2 增值税税收优惠政策 12

5.2.1 有利于小微企业减轻税收负担,提高小微企业经营收入从而促进经济发展; 12

5.2.2 有利于支持小微企业发展壮大,激发市场活力,促进就业 13

5.3 企业所得税税收优惠政策 13

第六章 结论 15

6.1 实施税收优惠的几点建议 15

6.1.1 加大税收优惠政策宣传方式和力度 15

6.1.2 制定更具公平性的税收优事政策 15

6.1.3 加快推进审批制度的改革 15

6.1.4 注重财务人员业务能力的培养,完善小微企业的财务制度管理 15

6.2 结论 16

致 谢 17

参考文献(References) 18

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景



1.2 研究目的及意义



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